cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22) project(abstract-machine) enable_language(CXX C ASM) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) include(CMakeDependentOption) include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) # Used to find libcheck include(CTest) include(GNUInstallDirs) # -- General options set(ISA CACHE STRING "Target ISA") set_property(CACHE ISA PROPERTY STRINGS "riscv" "x86" "x86_64" "native") string(TOUPPER ${ISA} ISA_UPPER) cmake_dependent_option( __PLATFORM_NEMU__ "Run on NEMU" ON "ISA MATCHES \"(riscv | x86)\"" OFF) cmake_dependent_option( __PLATFORM_NPC__ "Run on NPC" ON "ISA MATCHES riscv" OFF) cmake_dependent_option( __PLATFORM_NATIVE__ "Run on native" ON "ISA MATCHES native" OFF) # -- Set PLATFORM according to options set(MATCH_PLATFORM_PATTERN "^__PLATFORM_([A-Z]*)__$") get_cmake_property(CACHE_VARS CACHE_VARIABLES) message(STATUS "ISA: ${ISA}") foreach(VAR IN LISTS CACHE_VARS) if(VAR MATCHES ${MATCH_PLATFORM_PATTERN}) # Retrieve the value of the cache variable get_property(VAR_VALUE CACHE ${VAR} PROPERTY VALUE) set(PLATFORM_UPPER ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) string(TOLOWER ${PLATFORM_UPPER} PLATFORM) list(APPEND PLATFORMS ${PLATFORM}) message(STATUS "Variable: ${VAR}=${VAR_VALUE}, Platform: ${PLATFORM}") endif() endforeach() if((NOT PLATFORM) AND (NOT ISA MATCHES native)) message(FATAL_ERROR "Platform not given!") endif() set(SUPPORTED_ARCH "riscv-nemu" "riscv-npc" "native") foreach(PLATFORM IN LISTS PLATFORMS) if(${ISA} MATCHES "native") set(ARCH "native") else() set(ARCH ${ISA}-${PLATFORM}) endif() if(NOT ARCH IN_LIST SUPPORTED_ARCH) message(FATAL_ERROR "Given ISA-PLATFORM (${ISA}-${PLATFORM}) does not match one of the following: ${SUPPORTED_ARCH}") endif() endforeach() # -- Target specific options cmake_dependent_option( NATIVE_USE_KLIB "Use Klib even if on native" ON "NOT __ISA_NATIVE__" OFF) # -- Add compile definitions based on options list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") # NOTE: klib and am include header files in each other, # so we need to create interface libraries for correct dependency add_library(am_interface INTERFACE) target_include_directories(am_interface INTERFACE $ $ $) target_compile_definitions(am_interface INTERFACE ARCH_H=) add_library(klib_interface INTERFACE) target_include_directories(klib_interface INTERFACE $ $) install(TARGETS am_interface klib_interface EXPORT interfaceTargets INCLUDES DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/abstract-machine) install(EXPORT interfaceTargets FILE interfaceTargets.cmake DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake) add_subdirectory(klib) add_subdirectory(am) # -- Test depends on klib and am should be added last. add_subdirectory(klib/tests)