> configure(npc)

ysyx_22040000 李心杨
 Linux calcite 6.6.19 #1-NixOS SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Mar  1 12:35:11 UTC 2024 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  11:54:52  up 2 days  2:45,  2 users,  load average: 2.66, 1.60, 1.17
This commit is contained in:
tracer-ysyx 2024-03-11 11:54:52 +08:00 committed by xinyangli
parent 705ee17b3c
commit f7f19ed102
9 changed files with 257 additions and 133 deletions

View file

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@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ val chiselVersion = "5.1.0"
lazy val root = (project in file(".")) lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.settings( .settings(
name := "ChiselLearning", name := "flow",
libraryDependencies ++= Seq( libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.chipsalliance" %% "chisel" % chiselVersion, "org.chipsalliance" %% "chisel" % chiselVersion,
"edu.berkeley.cs" %% "chiseltest" % "5.0.2" % "test" "edu.berkeley.cs" %% "chiseltest" % "5.0.2" % "test",
"com.chuusai" %% "shapeless" % "2.3.3"
), ),
scalacOptions ++= Seq( scalacOptions ++= Seq(
"-language:reflectiveCalls", "-language:reflectiveCalls",

View file

@ -3,17 +3,21 @@ package npc.util
import chisel3._ import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._ import chisel3.util._
class ALUGenerator(width: Int) extends Module { object ALUSel extends ChiselEnum {
require(width >= 0) val add, sub, not, and, or, xor, slt, eq, nop = Value
class ALUGenerator[T <: ChiselEnum](width: Int, tpe: T = ALUSel) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle { val io = IO(new Bundle {
val a = Input(UInt(width.W)) val a = Input(UInt(tpe.getWidth.W))
val b = Input(UInt(width.W)) val b = Input(UInt(tpe.getWidth.W))
val op = Input(UInt(4.W)) val op = Input(ALUSel())
val out = Output(UInt(width.W)) val out = Output(UInt(tpe.getWidth.W))
}) })
val adder_b = (Fill(width, io.op(0)) ^ io.b) + io.op(0) // take (-b) if sub // val adder_b = (Fill(tpe.getWidth, io.op(0)) ^ io.b) + io.op(0) // take (-b) if sub
val add = io.a + adder_b val add = io.a + io.b
val sub = io.a - io.b
val and = io.a & io.b val and = io.a & io.b
val not = ~io.a val not = ~io.a
val or = io.a | io.b val or = io.a | io.b
@ -21,14 +25,14 @@ class ALUGenerator(width: Int) extends Module {
val slt = io.a < io.b val slt = io.a < io.b
val eq = io.a === io.b val eq = io.a === io.b
io.out := MuxLookup(io.op, 0.U)(Seq( io.out := MuxLookup(io.op, ALUSel.nop.asUInt)(Seq(
0.U -> add, ALUSel.add -> add,
1.U -> add, // add with b reversed ALUSel.sub -> sub,
2.U -> not, ALUSel.not -> not,
3.U -> and, ALUSel.and -> and,
4.U -> or, ALUSel.or -> or,
5.U -> xor, ALUSel.xor -> xor,
6.U -> slt, ALUSel.slt -> slt,
7.U -> eq, ALUSel.eq -> eq
)) ))
} }

View file

@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
package npc package npc
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import chisel3._ import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.{MuxLookup, Fill, Decoupled, Counter, Queue, Reverse} import chisel3.util.{MuxLookup, Fill, Decoupled, Counter, Queue, Reverse}
import chisel3.util.{SRAM}
import chisel3.util.experimental.decode.{decoder, TruthTable, QMCMinimizer}
import chisel3.stage.ChiselOption import chisel3.stage.ChiselOption
import npc.util.KeyboardSegController import npc.util.{ KeyboardSegController }
import flowpc.components.RegisterFile
import chisel3.util.log2Ceil
import chisel3.util.BitPat
import chisel3.util.Enum
import chisel3.experimental.prefix
import shapeless.{ HNil, :: }
class Switch extends Module { class Switch extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle { val io = IO(new Bundle {
@ -31,3 +40,58 @@ class Keyboard extends Module {
io.segs := seg_handler.io.segs io.segs := seg_handler.io.segs
} }
object RV32Inst {
private val bp = BitPat
val addi = this.bp("b??b?????_?????_?????_000_?????_00100_11")
val inv = this.bp("b???????_?????_?????_???_?????_?????_??")
class PcControl(width: Int) extends Bundle {
object SrcSelect extends ChiselEnum {
val pPC, pExeResult = Value
val srcSelect = Output(SrcSelect())
import flowpc.components.{ RegisterFile }
class Control(width: Int) extends Module {
val reg = Flipped(RegisterFile(32, UInt(32.W), 2, 2))
val pc = new PcControl(width)
val inst = IO(Input(UInt(width.W)))
type T = Bool :: reg.control.WriteSelect.Type :: HNil
val dst: T = reg.control.writeEnable :: reg.control.writeSelect :: HNil
val dstList: List[Data] = dst.toList
val reversePrefixSum = dstList.scanLeft(0)(_ + _.getWidth).reverse
val slices = reversePrefixSum.zip(reversePrefixSum.tail)
import reg.control.WriteSelect._
import pc.SrcSelect._
import RV32Inst._
val ControlMapping: Array[(BitPat, T)] = Array(
// Regs :: PC :: Exe
// writeEnable :: writeSelect :: srcSelect ::
(addi, false.B :: rAluOut :: HNil)
def toBits(t: T): BitPat = {
val list: List[Data] = t.toList
list.map(x => x.asUInt).map(x => BitPat(x)).reduce(_ ## _)
val out = decoder(QMCMinimizer, inst, TruthTable(
ControlMapping.map(it => (it._1, toBits(it._2))), inv))
val srcList = slices.map(s => out(s._1 - 1, s._2))
srcList.zip(dstList).foreach({ case (src, dst) => dst := src })
class Flowpc extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle { })
val ram = SRAM(size=128*1024*1024, tpe=UInt(32.W), numReadPorts=2, numWritePorts=1,numReadwritePorts=0)
// Instruction Fetch
ram.readPorts(0).enable := true.B
val instruction = ram.readPorts(0).address

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package flowpc.components
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.{Valid, log2Ceil}
import chisel3.util.MuxLookup
class ProgramCounter[T <: Data](tpe: T, numPcSrc: Int) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val pc_srcs = Input(Vec(numPcSrc, tpe))
val select = Input(UInt(log2Ceil(numPcSrc).W))
val pc = Output(tpe)
io.pc := io.pc_srcs(io.select)

View file

@ -1,25 +1,72 @@
package npc.util package flowpc.components
import chisel3._ import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.log2Ceil
import chisel3.util.UIntToOH
import chisel3.util.MuxLookup
class RegisterFile(readPorts: Int) extends Module { class RegControl extends Bundle {
require(readPorts >= 0)
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val writeEnable = Input(Bool()) val writeEnable = Input(Bool())
val writeAddr = Input(UInt(5.W))
val writeData = Input(UInt(32.W)) object WriteSelect extends ChiselEnum {
val readAddr = Input(Vec(readPorts, UInt(5.W))) val rAluOut, rMemOut = Value
val readData = Output(Vec(readPorts, UInt(32.W))) }
val writeSelect = Input(WriteSelect())
class RegFileData[T <: Data](size:Int, tpe: T, numReadPorts: Int, numWritePorts: Int) extends Bundle {
val write = new Bundle {
val addr = Input(UInt(size.W))
val data = Vec(numWritePorts, Input(tpe))
val read = Vec(numReadPorts, new Bundle {
val rs = Input(UInt(size.W))
val src = Output(tpe)
}) })
val regFile = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(32)(0.U(32.W)))) class RegFileInterface[T <: Data](size: Int, tpe: T, numReadPorts: Int, numWritePorts: Int) extends Bundle {
for (i <- 1 until 32) { val control = new RegControl
regFile(i) := regFile(i) val data = new RegFileData(size, tpe, numReadPorts, numWritePorts)
} }
regFile(io.writeAddr) := Mux(io.writeEnable, io.writeData, regFile(io.writeAddr))
regFile(0) := 0.U
for (i <- 0 until readPorts) { class RegisterFileCore[T <: Data](size: Int, tpe: T, numReadPorts: Int) extends Module {
io.readData(i) := regFile(io.readAddr(i)) printf("$numReadPorts\n")
require(numReadPorts >= 0)
val writePort = IO(new Bundle {
val enable = Input(Bool())
val addr = Input(UInt(size.W))
val data = Input(tpe)
val readPorts = IO(Vec(numReadPorts, new Bundle {
val addr = Input(UInt(size.W))
val data = Output(tpe)
// val regFile = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(size)(0.U)))
// val writeAddrOH = UIntToOH(writePort.addr)
// for ((reg, i) <- regFile.zipWithIndex) {
// reg := Mux(writeAddrOH(i) && writePort.enable, writePort.data, reg)
// }
// for (readPort <- readPorts) {
// readPort.data := regFile(readPort.addr)
// }
object RegisterFile {
def apply[T <: Data](size: Int, tpe: T, numReadPorts: Int, numWritePorts: Int): RegFileInterface[T] = {
val core = new RegisterFileCore(size, tpe, numReadPorts)
val _out = Wire(new RegFileInterface(size, tpe, numReadPorts, numWritePorts))
val clock = core.clock
for (i <- 0 to numReadPorts) {
core.readPorts(i).addr := _out.data.read(i).rs
core.readPorts(i).data := _out.data.read(i).src
core.writePort.addr := _out.data.write.addr
core.writePort.data := MuxLookup(_out.control.writeSelect, 0.U)(
_out.control.WriteSelect.all.map(x => (x -> _out.data.write.data(x.asUInt).asUInt))
} }
} }

View file

@ -7,99 +7,64 @@ import chiseltest.simulator.WriteVcdAnnotation
import npc.util._ import npc.util._
class RegisterFileSpec extends AnyFreeSpec with ChiselScalatestTester { // class ALUGeneratorSpec extends AnyFreeSpec with ChiselScalatestTester {
"RegisterFile should work" - { // "With 32 width, " - {
"with 2 read ports" in { // val neg = (x: BigInt) => BigInt("FFFFFFFF", 16) - x + 1
test(new RegisterFile(2)) { c => // val not = (x: BigInt) => x ^ BigInt("FFFFFFFF", 16)
def readExpect(addr: Int, value: Int, port: Int = 0): Unit = { // val mask = BigInt("FFFFFFFF", 16)
c.io.readAddr(port).poke(addr.U) // val oprands: List[(BigInt, BigInt)] = List(
c.io.readData(port).expect(value.U) // (5, 3), (101010, 101010), (0xFFFFFFFCL, 0xFFFFFFFFL), (4264115, 2)
} // )
def write(addr: Int, value: Int): Unit = { // val operations: Map[Int, (BigInt, BigInt) => BigInt] = Map(
c.io.writeEnable.poke(true.B) // 0 -> ((a: BigInt, b: BigInt) => (a + b) & mask),
c.io.writeData.poke(value.U) // 1 -> ((a: BigInt, b: BigInt) => (a + neg(b)) & mask),
c.io.writeAddr.poke(addr.U) // 2 -> ((a, _) => not(a)),
c.clock.step(1) // 3 -> (_ & _),
c.io.writeEnable.poke(false.B) // 4 -> (_ | _),
} // 5 -> (_ ^ _),
// everything should be 0 on init // 6 -> ((a, b) => if (a < b) 1 else 0),
for (i <- 0 until 32) { // 7 -> ((a, b) => if (a == b) 1 else 0),
readExpect(i, 0, port = 0) // )
readExpect(i, 0, port = 1) // val validate = (c: ALUGenerator[32], op: Int, oprands: List[(BigInt, BigInt)]) => {
} // c.io.op.poke(op.U)
// oprands.foreach({ case (a, b) =>
// write 5 * addr + 3 // c.io.a.poke(a.U)
for (i <- 0 until 32) { // c.io.b.poke(b.U)
write(i, 5 * i + 3) // c.io.out.expect(operations(op)(a, b))
} // })
// }
// check that the writes worked // "add should work" in {
for (i <- 0 until 32) { // test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 0, oprands) }
readExpect(i, if (i == 0) 0 else 5 * i + 3, port = i % 2) // }
} // "sub should work" - {
} // "with positive result" in {
} // test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c =>
} // validate(c, 1, oprands.filter({case (a, b) => a >= b}))
} // }
// }
class ALUGeneratorSpec extends AnyFreeSpec with ChiselScalatestTester { // "with negative result" in {
"With 32 width, " - { // test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c =>
val neg = (x: BigInt) => BigInt("FFFFFFFF", 16) - x + 1 // validate(c, 1, oprands.filter({case (a, b) => a < b}))
val not = (x: BigInt) => x ^ BigInt("FFFFFFFF", 16) // }
val mask = BigInt("FFFFFFFF", 16) // }
val oprands: List[(BigInt, BigInt)] = List( // }
(5, 3), (101010, 101010), (0xFFFFFFFCL, 0xFFFFFFFFL), (4264115, 2) // "not should work" in {
) // test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 2, oprands) }
val operations: Map[Int, (BigInt, BigInt) => BigInt] = Map( // }
0 -> ((a: BigInt, b: BigInt) => (a + b) & mask), // "and should work" in {
1 -> ((a: BigInt, b: BigInt) => (a + neg(b)) & mask), // test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 3, oprands) }
2 -> ((a, _) => not(a)), // }
3 -> (_ & _), // "or should work" in {
4 -> (_ | _), // test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 4, oprands) }
5 -> (_ ^ _), // }
6 -> ((a, b) => if (a < b) 1 else 0), // "xor should work" in {
7 -> ((a, b) => if (a == b) 1 else 0), // test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 5, oprands) }
) // }
val validate = (c: ALUGenerator,op: Int, oprands: List[(BigInt, BigInt)]) => { // "compare should work" in {
c.io.op.poke(op.U) // test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 6, oprands) }
oprands.foreach({ case (a, b) => // }
c.io.a.poke(a.U) // "equal should work" in {
c.io.b.poke(b.U) // test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 7, oprands) }
c.io.out.expect(operations(op)(a, b)) // }
}) // }
} // }
"add should work" in {
test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 0, oprands) }
"sub should work" - {
"with positive result" in {
test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c =>
validate(c, 1, oprands.filter({case (a, b) => a >= b}))
"with negative result" in {
test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c =>
validate(c, 1, oprands.filter({case (a, b) => a < b}))
"not should work" in {
test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 2, oprands) }
"and should work" in {
test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 3, oprands) }
"or should work" in {
test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 4, oprands) }
"xor should work" in {
test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 5, oprands) }
"compare should work" in {
test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 6, oprands) }
"equal should work" in {
test(new ALUGenerator(32)) { c => validate(c, 7, oprands) }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package flowpc
import chisel3._
import chiseltest._
import org.scalatest.freespec.AnyFreeSpec
import chiseltest.simulator.WriteVcdAnnotation
import flowpc.components._
class RegisterFileSpec extends AnyFreeSpec with ChiselScalatestTester {
"RegisterFileCore" - {
"(0) is always 0" - {
// val reg = new RegisterFileCore(32, UInt(32.W), 2)
test(new RegisterFileCore(32, UInt(32.W), 2)).withAnnotations(Seq(WriteVcdAnnotation)) { c =>

View file

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
packages = [ packages = [
clang-tools clang-tools
rnix-lsp rnix-lsp
gdb gdb
jre jre