NJU-ProjectN/abstract-machine ics2023 initialized

NJU-ProjectN/abstract-machine 3348db971fd860be5cb28e21c18f9d0e65d0c96a Merge pull request #8 from Jasonyanyusong/master
This commit is contained in:
xinyangli 2023-12-21 00:20:42 +08:00
parent 2824efad33
commit 8e4feb4010
129 changed files with 9017 additions and 0 deletions

abstract-machine/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@

abstract-machine/LICENSE Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
The AbstractMachine software is:
Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Yanyan Jiang and Zihao Yu
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

abstract-machine/Makefile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
# Makefile for AbstractMachine Kernels and Libraries
### *Get a more readable version of this Makefile* by `make html` (requires python-markdown)
cat Makefile | sed 's/^\([^#]\)/ \1/g' | markdown_py > Makefile.html
.PHONY: html
## 1. Basic Setup and Checks
### Default to create a bare-metal kernel image
### Override checks when `make clean/clean-all/html`
ifeq ($(findstring $(MAKECMDGOALS),clean|clean-all|html),)
### Print build info message
$(info # Building $(NAME)-$(MAKECMDGOALS) [$(ARCH)])
### Check: environment variable `$AM_HOME` looks sane
ifeq ($(wildcard $(AM_HOME)/am/include/am.h),)
$(error $$AM_HOME must be an AbstractMachine repo)
### Check: environment variable `$ARCH` must be in the supported list
ARCHS = $(basename $(notdir $(shell ls $(AM_HOME)/scripts/*.mk)))
ifeq ($(filter $(ARCHS), $(ARCH)), )
$(error Expected $$ARCH in {$(ARCHS)}, Got "$(ARCH)")
### Extract instruction set architecture (`ISA`) and platform from `$ARCH`. Example: `ARCH=x86_64-qemu -> ISA=x86_64; PLATFORM=qemu`
ARCH_SPLIT = $(subst -, ,$(ARCH))
ISA = $(word 1,$(ARCH_SPLIT))
PLATFORM = $(word 2,$(ARCH_SPLIT))
### Check if there is something to build
ifeq ($(flavor SRCS), undefined)
$(error Nothing to build)
### Checks end here
## 2. General Compilation Targets
### Create the destination directory (`build/$ARCH`)
WORK_DIR = $(shell pwd)
DST_DIR = $(WORK_DIR)/build/$(ARCH)
$(shell mkdir -p $(DST_DIR))
### Compilation targets (a binary image or archive)
IMAGE_REL = build/$(NAME)-$(ARCH)
IMAGE = $(abspath $(IMAGE_REL))
ARCHIVE = $(WORK_DIR)/build/$(NAME)-$(ARCH).a
### Collect the files to be linked: object files (`.o`) and libraries (`.a`)
OBJS = $(addprefix $(DST_DIR)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SRCS))))
LIBS := $(sort $(LIBS) am klib) # lazy evaluation ("=") causes infinite recursions
$(addsuffix -$(ARCH).a, $(join \
$(addsuffix /build/, $(addprefix $(AM_HOME)/, $(LIBS))), \
$(LIBS) ))
## 3. General Compilation Flags
### (Cross) compilers, e.g., mips-linux-gnu-g++
### Compilation flags
INC_PATH += $(WORK_DIR)/include $(addsuffix /include/, $(addprefix $(AM_HOME)/, $(LIBS)))
INCFLAGS += $(addprefix -I, $(INC_PATH))
ARCH_H := arch/$(ARCH).h
CFLAGS += -O2 -MMD -Wall -Werror $(INCFLAGS) \
-D__ISA__=\"$(ISA)\" -D__ISA_$(shell echo $(ISA) | tr a-z A-Z)__ \
-D__ARCH__=$(ARCH) -D__ARCH_$(shell echo $(ARCH) | tr a-z A-Z | tr - _) \
-D__PLATFORM__=$(PLATFORM) -D__PLATFORM_$(shell echo $(PLATFORM) | tr a-z A-Z | tr - _) \
-DARCH_H=\"$(ARCH_H)\" \
-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-builtin -fno-stack-protector \
CXXFLAGS += $(CFLAGS) -ffreestanding -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions
LDFLAGS += -z noexecstack
## 4. Arch-Specific Configurations
### Paste in arch-specific configurations (e.g., from `scripts/x86_64-qemu.mk`)
-include $(AM_HOME)/scripts/$(ARCH).mk
### Fall back to native gcc/binutils if there is no cross compiler
ifeq ($(wildcard $(shell which $(CC))),)
$(info # $(CC) not found; fall back to default gcc and binutils)
## 5. Compilation Rules
### Rule (compile): a single `.c` -> `.o` (gcc)
$(DST_DIR)/%.o: %.c
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && echo + CC $<
@$(CC) -std=gnu11 $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $(realpath $<)
### Rule (compile): a single `.cc` -> `.o` (g++)
$(DST_DIR)/%.o: %.cc
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && echo + CXX $<
@$(CXX) -std=c++17 $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $(realpath $<)
### Rule (compile): a single `.cpp` -> `.o` (g++)
$(DST_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && echo + CXX $<
@$(CXX) -std=c++17 $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $(realpath $<)
### Rule (compile): a single `.S` -> `.o` (gcc, which preprocesses and calls as)
$(DST_DIR)/%.o: %.S
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && echo + AS $<
@$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -c -o $@ $(realpath $<)
### Rule (recursive make): build a dependent library (am, klib, ...)
$(LIBS): %:
@$(MAKE) -s -C $(AM_HOME)/$* archive
### Rule (link): objects (`*.o`) and libraries (`*.a`) -> `IMAGE.elf`, the final ELF binary to be packed into image (ld)
$(IMAGE).elf: $(OBJS) am $(LIBS)
@echo + LD "->" $(IMAGE_REL).elf
@$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(IMAGE).elf --start-group $(LINKAGE) --end-group
### Rule (archive): objects (`*.o`) -> `ARCHIVE.a` (ar)
@echo + AR "->" $(shell realpath $@ --relative-to .)
@$(AR) rcs $(ARCHIVE) $(OBJS)
### Rule (`#include` dependencies): paste in `.d` files generated by gcc on `-MMD`
-include $(addprefix $(DST_DIR)/, $(addsuffix .d, $(basename $(SRCS))))
## 6. Miscellaneous
### Build order control
image: image-dep
archive: $(ARCHIVE)
image-dep: $(OBJS) am $(LIBS)
@echo \# Creating image [$(ARCH)]
.PHONY: image image-dep archive run $(LIBS)
### Clean a single project (remove `build/`)
rm -rf Makefile.html $(WORK_DIR)/build/
.PHONY: clean
### Clean all sub-projects within depth 2 (and ignore errors)
CLEAN_ALL = $(dir $(shell find . -mindepth 2 -name Makefile))
clean-all: $(CLEAN_ALL) clean
-@$(MAKE) -s -C $@ clean
.PHONY: clean-all $(CLEAN_ALL)

abstract-machine/README Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
AbstractMachine is a minimal, modularized, and machine-independent
abstraction layer of the computer hardware:
* physical memory and direct execution (The "Turing Machine");
* basic model for input and output devices (I/O Extension);
* interrupt/exception and processor context management (Context Extension);
* virtual memory and protection (Virtual Memory Extension);
* multiprocessing (Multiprocessing Extension).
Bug reports and suggestions go to Yanyan Jiang (jyy@nju.edu.cn) and Zihao
Yu (yuzihao@ict.ac.cn).

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
NAME := am
SRCS = $(addprefix src/, $(AM_SRCS))
INC_PATH += $(AM_HOME)/am/src
include $(AM_HOME)/Makefile

View file

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#ifndef AM_H__
#define AM_H__
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include ARCH_H // this macro is defined in $CFLAGS
// examples: "arch/x86-qemu.h", "arch/native.h", ...
// Memory protection flags
#define MMAP_NONE 0x00000000 // no access
#define MMAP_READ 0x00000001 // can read
#define MMAP_WRITE 0x00000002 // can write
// Memory area for [@start, @end)
typedef struct {
void *start, *end;
} Area;
// Arch-dependent processor context
typedef struct Context Context;
// An event of type @event, caused by @cause of pointer @ref
typedef struct {
enum {
} event;
uintptr_t cause, ref;
const char *msg;
} Event;
// A protected address space with user memory @area
// and arch-dependent @ptr
typedef struct {
int pgsize;
Area area;
void *ptr;
} AddrSpace;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// ----------------------- TRM: Turing Machine -----------------------
extern Area heap;
void putch (char ch);
void halt (int code) __attribute__((__noreturn__));
// -------------------- IOE: Input/Output Devices --------------------
bool ioe_init (void);
void ioe_read (int reg, void *buf);
void ioe_write (int reg, void *buf);
#include "amdev.h"
// ---------- CTE: Interrupt Handling and Context Switching ----------
bool cte_init (Context *(*handler)(Event ev, Context *ctx));
void yield (void);
bool ienabled (void);
void iset (bool enable);
Context *kcontext (Area kstack, void (*entry)(void *), void *arg);
// ----------------------- VME: Virtual Memory -----------------------
bool vme_init (void *(*pgalloc)(int), void (*pgfree)(void *));
void protect (AddrSpace *as);
void unprotect (AddrSpace *as);
void map (AddrSpace *as, void *vaddr, void *paddr, int prot);
Context *ucontext (AddrSpace *as, Area kstack, void *entry);
// ---------------------- MPE: Multi-Processing ----------------------
bool mpe_init (void (*entry)());
int cpu_count (void);
int cpu_current (void);
int atomic_xchg (int *addr, int newval);
#ifdef __cplusplus

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#ifndef __AMDEV_H__
#define __AMDEV_H__
#define AM_DEVREG(id, reg, perm, ...) \
enum { AM_##reg = (id) }; \
typedef struct { __VA_ARGS__; } AM_##reg##_T;
AM_DEVREG( 1, UART_CONFIG, RD, bool present);
AM_DEVREG( 2, UART_TX, WR, char data);
AM_DEVREG( 3, UART_RX, RD, char data);
AM_DEVREG( 4, TIMER_CONFIG, RD, bool present, has_rtc);
AM_DEVREG( 5, TIMER_RTC, RD, int year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
AM_DEVREG( 6, TIMER_UPTIME, RD, uint64_t us);
AM_DEVREG( 7, INPUT_CONFIG, RD, bool present);
AM_DEVREG( 8, INPUT_KEYBRD, RD, bool keydown; int keycode);
AM_DEVREG( 9, GPU_CONFIG, RD, bool present, has_accel; int width, height, vmemsz);
AM_DEVREG(10, GPU_STATUS, RD, bool ready);
AM_DEVREG(11, GPU_FBDRAW, WR, int x, y; void *pixels; int w, h; bool sync);
AM_DEVREG(12, GPU_MEMCPY, WR, uint32_t dest; void *src; int size);
AM_DEVREG(13, GPU_RENDER, WR, uint32_t root);
AM_DEVREG(14, AUDIO_CONFIG, RD, bool present; int bufsize);
AM_DEVREG(15, AUDIO_CTRL, WR, int freq, channels, samples);
AM_DEVREG(16, AUDIO_STATUS, RD, int count);
AM_DEVREG(17, AUDIO_PLAY, WR, Area buf);
AM_DEVREG(18, DISK_CONFIG, RD, bool present; int blksz, blkcnt);
AM_DEVREG(19, DISK_STATUS, RD, bool ready);
AM_DEVREG(20, DISK_BLKIO, WR, bool write; void *buf; int blkno, blkcnt);
AM_DEVREG(21, NET_CONFIG, RD, bool present);
AM_DEVREG(22, NET_STATUS, RD, int rx_len, tx_len);
AM_DEVREG(23, NET_TX, WR, Area buf);
AM_DEVREG(24, NET_RX, WR, Area buf);
// Input
#define AM_KEYS(_) \
_(ESCAPE) _(F1) _(F2) _(F3) _(F4) _(F5) _(F6) _(F7) _(F8) _(F9) _(F10) _(F11) _(F12) \
_(GRAVE) _(1) _(2) _(3) _(4) _(5) _(6) _(7) _(8) _(9) _(0) _(MINUS) _(EQUALS) _(BACKSPACE) \
_(TAB) _(Q) _(W) _(E) _(R) _(T) _(Y) _(U) _(I) _(O) _(P) _(LEFTBRACKET) _(RIGHTBRACKET) _(BACKSLASH) \
_(CAPSLOCK) _(A) _(S) _(D) _(F) _(G) _(H) _(J) _(K) _(L) _(SEMICOLON) _(APOSTROPHE) _(RETURN) \
_(LSHIFT) _(Z) _(X) _(C) _(V) _(B) _(N) _(M) _(COMMA) _(PERIOD) _(SLASH) _(RSHIFT) \
#define AM_KEY_NAMES(key) AM_KEY_##key,
enum {
// GPU
#define AM_GPU_TEXTURE 1
#define AM_GPU_SUBTREE 2
#define AM_GPU_NULL 0xffffffff
typedef uint32_t gpuptr_t;
struct gpu_texturedesc {
uint16_t w, h;
gpuptr_t pixels;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct gpu_canvas {
uint16_t type, w, h, x1, y1, w1, h1;
gpuptr_t sibling;
union {
gpuptr_t child;
struct gpu_texturedesc texture;
} __attribute__((packed));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#ifndef __ARCH_H__
#define __ARCH_H__
struct Context {
// TODO: fix the order of these members to match trap.S
uintptr_t gpr[32], era, estat, prmd;
void *pdir;
#define GPR1 gpr[11] // a7
#define GPR2 gpr[0]
#define GPR3 gpr[0]
#define GPR4 gpr[0]
#define GPRx gpr[0]

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#ifndef __ARCH_H__
#define __ARCH_H__
struct Context {
// TODO: fix the order of these members to match trap.S
uintptr_t hi, gpr[32], epc, cause, lo, status;
void *pdir;
#define GPR1 gpr[2] // v0
#define GPR2 gpr[0]
#define GPR3 gpr[0]
#define GPR4 gpr[0]
#define GPRx gpr[0]

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#ifndef ARCH_H__
#define ARCH_H__
#ifndef __USE_GNU
# define __USE_GNU
#include <ucontext.h>
struct Context {
uintptr_t ksp;
void *vm_head;
ucontext_t uc;
// skip the red zone of the stack frame, see the amd64 ABI manual for details
uint8_t redzone[128];
#define GPR1 uc.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RDI]
#define GPR2 uc.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RSI]
#define GPR3 uc.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RDX]
#define GPR4 uc.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RCX]
#define GPRx uc.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RAX]
#undef __USE_GNU

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#ifndef ARCH_H__
#define ARCH_H__
#ifdef __riscv_e
#define NR_REGS 16
#define NR_REGS 32
struct Context {
// TODO: fix the order of these members to match trap.S
uintptr_t mepc, mcause, gpr[NR_REGS], mstatus;
void *pdir;
#ifdef __riscv_e
#define GPR1 gpr[15] // a5
#define GPR1 gpr[17] // a7
#define GPR2 gpr[0]
#define GPR3 gpr[0]
#define GPR4 gpr[0]
#define GPRx gpr[0]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#ifndef ARCH_H__
#define ARCH_H__
struct Context {
// TODO: fix the order of these members to match trap.S
uintptr_t esi, ebx, eax, eip, edx, eflags, ecx, cs, esp, edi, ebp;
void *cr3;
int irq;
#define GPR1 eax
#define GPR2 eip
#define GPR3 eip
#define GPR4 eip
#define GPRx eip

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#ifndef ARCH_H__
#define ARCH_H__
struct Context {
void *cr3;
uint32_t ds, eax, ebx, ecx, edx,
esp0, esi, edi, ebp,
eip, cs, eflags, esp, ss3;
#define GPR1 eax
#define GPR2 ebx
#define GPR3 ecx
#define GPR4 edx
#define GPRx eax

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#ifndef ARCH_H__
#define ARCH_H__
struct Context {
void *cr3;
uint64_t rax, rbx, rcx, rdx,
rbp, rsi, rdi,
r8, r9, r10, r11,
r12, r13, r14, r15,
rip, cs, rflags,
rsp, ss, rsp0;
#define GPR1 rdi
#define GPR2 rsi
#define GPR3 rdx
#define GPR4 rcx
#define GPRx rax

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#ifndef LOONGARCH32R_H__
#define LOONGARCH32R_H__
#include <stdint.h>
static inline uint8_t inb(uintptr_t addr) { return *(volatile uint8_t *)addr; }
static inline uint16_t inw(uintptr_t addr) { return *(volatile uint16_t *)addr; }
static inline uint32_t inl(uintptr_t addr) { return *(volatile uint32_t *)addr; }
static inline void outb(uintptr_t addr, uint8_t data) { *(volatile uint8_t *)addr = data; }
static inline void outw(uintptr_t addr, uint16_t data) { *(volatile uint16_t *)addr = data; }
static inline void outl(uintptr_t addr, uint32_t data) { *(volatile uint32_t *)addr = data; }
#define PTE_V 0x1
#define PTE_D 0x2
// Page directory and page table constants
#define PTXSHFT 12 // Offset of PTX in a linear address
#define PDXSHFT 22 // Offset of PDX in a linear address
#define PDX(va) (((uint32_t)(va) >> PDXSHFT) & 0x3ff)
#define PTX(va) (((uint32_t)(va) >> PTXSHFT) & 0x3ff)

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <loongarch/loongarch32r.h>
#include <klib.h>
static Context* (*user_handler)(Event, Context*) = NULL;
Context* __am_irq_handle(Context *c) {
if (user_handler) {
Event ev = {0};
uintptr_t ecode = 0;
switch (ccode) {
default: ev.event = EVENT_ERROR; break;
c = user_handler(ev, c);
assert(c != NULL);
return c;
extern void __am_asm_trap(void);
bool cte_init(Context*(*handler)(Event, Context*)) {
// initialize exception entry
asm volatile("csrwr %0, 0xc" : : "r"(__am_asm_trap)); // 0xc = eentry
// register event handler
user_handler = handler;
return true;
Context *kcontext(Area kstack, void (*entry)(void *), void *arg) {
return NULL;
void yield() {
asm volatile("li.w $a7, -1; syscall 0");
bool ienabled() {
return false;
void iset(bool enable) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
.section entry, "ax"
.globl _start
.type _start, @function
move $fp, $zero
la.local $sp, _stack_pointer
bl _trm_init

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#define concat_temp(x, y) x ## y
#define concat(x, y) concat_temp(x, y)
#define MAP(c, f) c(f)
#define REGS(f) \
f( 1) f( 2) f( 4) f( 5) f( 6) f( 7) f( 8) f( 9) \
f(10) f(11) f(12) f(13) f(14) f(15) f(16) f(17) f(18) f(19) \
f(20) f(21) f(22) f(23) f(24) f(25) f(26) f(27) f(28) f(29) \
f(30) f(31)
#define PUSH(n) st.w $concat(r, n), $sp, (n * 4);
#define POP(n) ld.w $concat(r, n), $sp, (n * 4);
#define CONTEXT_SIZE ((32 + 3) * 4)
#define OFFSET_SP ( 3 * 4)
#define OFFSET_ESTAT (32 * 4)
#define OFFSET_PRMD (33 * 4)
#define OFFSET_ERA (34 * 4)
#define CSR_ESTAT 0x5
#define CSR_PRMD 0x1
#define CSR_ERA 0x6
.align 6
.globl __am_asm_trap
addi.w $sp, $sp, -CONTEXT_SIZE
csrrd $t0, CSR_ESTAT
csrrd $t1, CSR_PRMD
csrrd $t2, CSR_ERA
st.w $t0, $sp, OFFSET_ESTAT
st.w $t1, $sp, OFFSET_PRMD
st.w $t2, $sp, OFFSET_ERA
move $a0, $sp
bl __am_irq_handle
ld.w $t1, $sp, OFFSET_PRMD
ld.w $t2, $sp, OFFSET_ERA
csrwr $t1, CSR_PRMD
csrwr $t2, CSR_ERA
addi.w $sp, $sp, CONTEXT_SIZE

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <nemu.h>
#define USER_SPACE RANGE(0x40000000, 0x80000000)
static void* (*pgalloc_usr)(int) = NULL;
static void (*pgfree_usr)(void*) = NULL;
static int vme_enable = 0;
static PTE *cur_pdir = NULL;
bool vme_init(void* (*pgalloc_f)(int), void (*pgfree_f)(void*)) {
pgalloc_usr = pgalloc_f;
pgfree_usr = pgfree_f;
vme_enable = 1;
return true;
void protect(AddrSpace *as) {
as->ptr = (PTE*)(pgalloc_usr(PGSIZE));
as->pgsize = PGSIZE;
as->area = USER_SPACE;
void unprotect(AddrSpace *as) {
void __am_get_cur_as(Context *c) {
c->pdir = (vme_enable ? cur_pdir : NULL);
void __am_switch(Context *c) {
if (vme_enable && c->pdir != NULL) {
cur_pdir = c->pdir;
void map(AddrSpace *as, void *va, void *pa, int prot) {
Context *ucontext(AddrSpace *as, Area kstack, void *entry) {
return NULL;

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#ifndef MIPS32_H__
#define MIPS32_H__
#include <stdint.h>
static inline uint8_t inb(uintptr_t addr) { return *(volatile uint8_t *)addr; }
static inline uint16_t inw(uintptr_t addr) { return *(volatile uint16_t *)addr; }
static inline uint32_t inl(uintptr_t addr) { return *(volatile uint32_t *)addr; }
static inline void outb(uintptr_t addr, uint8_t data) { *(volatile uint8_t *)addr = data; }
static inline void outw(uintptr_t addr, uint16_t data) { *(volatile uint16_t *)addr = data; }
static inline void outl(uintptr_t addr, uint32_t data) { *(volatile uint32_t *)addr = data; }
#define PTE_V 0x2
#define PTE_D 0x4
// Page directory and page table constants
#define PTXSHFT 12 // Offset of PTX in a linear address
#define PDXSHFT 22 // Offset of PDX in a linear address
#define PDX(va) (((uint32_t)(va) >> PDXSHFT) & 0x3ff)
#define PTX(va) (((uint32_t)(va) >> PTXSHFT) & 0x3ff)

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <mips/mips32.h>
#include <klib.h>
static Context* (*user_handler)(Event, Context*) = NULL;
Context* __am_irq_handle(Context *c) {
if (user_handler) {
Event ev = {0};
uint32_t ex_code = 0;
switch (ex_code) {
default: ev.event = EVENT_ERROR; break;
c = user_handler(ev, c);
assert(c != NULL);
return c;
extern void __am_asm_trap(void);
#define EX_ENTRY 0x80000180
bool cte_init(Context*(*handler)(Event, Context*)) {
// initialize exception entry
const uint32_t j_opcode = 0x08000000;
uint32_t instr = j_opcode | (((uint32_t)__am_asm_trap >> 2) & 0x3ffffff);
*(uint32_t *)EX_ENTRY = instr;
*(uint32_t *)(EX_ENTRY + 4) = 0; // delay slot
*(uint32_t *)0x80000000 = instr; // TLB refill exception
*(uint32_t *)(0x80000000 + 4) = 0; // delay slot
// register event handler
user_handler = handler;
return true;
Context *kcontext(Area kstack, void (*entry)(void *), void *arg) {
return NULL;
void yield() {
asm volatile("syscall 1");
bool ienabled() {
return false;
void iset(bool enable) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
.section entry, "ax"
.globl _start
.type _start, @function
move $fp, $zero
la $sp, _stack_pointer
jal _trm_init
.fill 0x200

View file

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#define MAP(c, f) c(f)
#define REGS(f) \
f( 1) f( 2) f( 3) f( 4) f( 5) f( 6) f( 7) f( 8) f( 9) \
f(10) f(11) f(12) f(13) f(14) f(15) f(16) f(17) f(18) f(19) \
f(20) f(21) f(22) f(23) f(24) f(25) f(28) \
f(30) f(31)
#define PUSH(n) sw $n, (n * 4)($sp);
#define POP(n) lw $n, (n * 4)($sp);
#define CONTEXT_SIZE ((31 + 6) * 4)
#define OFFSET_SP (29 * 4)
#define OFFSET_LO (32 * 4)
#define OFFSET_HI (33 * 4)
#define OFFSET_CAUSE (34 * 4)
#define OFFSET_STATUS (35 * 4)
#define OFFSET_EPC (36 * 4)
#define CP0_STATUS 12
#define CP0_CAUSE 13
#define CP0_EPC 14
.set noat
.globl __am_asm_trap
move $k1, $sp
addiu $sp, $sp, -CONTEXT_SIZE
sw $k1, OFFSET_SP($sp)
mflo $t0
mfhi $t1
mfc0 $t2, $CP0_CAUSE
mfc0 $t3, $CP0_STATUS
mfc0 $t4, $CP0_EPC
sw $t0, OFFSET_LO($sp)
sw $t1, OFFSET_HI($sp)
sw $t2, OFFSET_CAUSE($sp)
sw $t3, OFFSET_STATUS($sp)
sw $t4, OFFSET_EPC($sp)
# allow nested exception
li $a0, ~0x3
and $t3, $t3, $a0 # clear status.exl and status.ie
mtc0 $t3, $CP0_STATUS
move $a0, $sp
jal __am_irq_handle
lw $t0, OFFSET_LO($sp)
lw $t1, OFFSET_HI($sp)
lw $t3, OFFSET_STATUS($sp)
lw $t4, OFFSET_EPC($sp)
# set status.exl
ori $t3, $t3, 0x2
mtlo $t0
mthi $t1
mtc0 $t3, $CP0_STATUS
mtc0 $t4, $CP0_EPC
addiu $sp, $sp, CONTEXT_SIZE

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <nemu.h>
#define USER_SPACE RANGE(0x40000000, 0x80000000)
static void* (*pgalloc_usr)(int) = NULL;
static void (*pgfree_usr)(void*) = NULL;
static int vme_enable = 0;
static PTE *cur_pdir = NULL;
bool vme_init(void* (*pgalloc_f)(int), void (*pgfree_f)(void*)) {
pgalloc_usr = pgalloc_f;
pgfree_usr = pgfree_f;
vme_enable = 1;
return true;
void protect(AddrSpace *as) {
as->ptr = (PTE*)(pgalloc_usr(PGSIZE));
as->pgsize = PGSIZE;
as->area = USER_SPACE;
void unprotect(AddrSpace *as) {
void __am_get_cur_as(Context *c) {
c->pdir = (vme_enable ? cur_pdir : NULL);
void __am_switch(Context *c) {
if (vme_enable && c->pdir != NULL) {
cur_pdir = c->pdir;
void map(AddrSpace *as, void *va, void *pa, int prot) {
Context *ucontext(AddrSpace *as, Area kstack, void *entry) {
return NULL;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "platform.h"
#define TIMER_HZ 100
static Context* (*user_handler)(Event, Context*) = NULL;
void __am_kcontext_start();
void __am_switch(Context *c);
int __am_in_userspace(void *addr);
void __am_pmem_protect();
void __am_pmem_unprotect();
void __am_panic_on_return() { panic("should not reach here\n"); }
static void irq_handle(Context *c) {
c->vm_head = thiscpu->vm_head;
c->ksp = thiscpu->ksp;
if (thiscpu->ev.event == EVENT_ERROR) {
uintptr_t rip = c->uc.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP];
printf("Unhandle signal '%s' at rip = %p, badaddr = %p, cause = 0x%x\n",
thiscpu->ev.msg, rip, thiscpu->ev.ref, thiscpu->ev.cause);
c = user_handler(thiscpu->ev, c);
assert(c != NULL);
// magic call to restore context
void (*p)(Context *c) = (void *)(uintptr_t)0x100008;
static void setup_stack(uintptr_t event, ucontext_t *uc) {
void *rip = (void *)uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP];
extern uint8_t _start, _etext;
int trap_from_user = __am_in_userspace(rip);
int signal_safe = IN_RANGE(rip, RANGE(&_start, &_etext)) || trap_from_user ||
// Hack here: "+13" points to the instruction after syscall. This is the
// instruction which will trigger the pending signal if interrupt is enabled.
(rip == (void *)&sigprocmask + 13);
if (((event == EVENT_IRQ_IODEV) || (event == EVENT_IRQ_TIMER)) && !signal_safe) {
// Shared libraries contain code which are not reenterable.
// If the signal comes when executing code in shared libraries,
// the signal handler can not call any function which is not signal-safe,
// else the behavior is undefined (may be dead lock).
// To handle this, we just refuse to handle the signal and return directly
// to pretend missing the interrupt.
// See man 7 signal-safety for more information.
if (trap_from_user) __am_pmem_unprotect();
// skip the instructions causing SIGSEGV for syscall
if (event == EVENT_SYSCALL) { rip += SYSCALL_INSTR_LEN; }
uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP] = (uintptr_t)rip;
// switch to kernel stack if we were previously in user space
uintptr_t rsp = trap_from_user ? thiscpu->ksp : uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RSP];
rsp -= sizeof(Context);
// keep (rsp + 8) % 16 == 0 to support SSE
if ((rsp + 8) % 16 != 0) rsp -= 8;
Context *c = (void *)rsp;
// save the context on the stack
c->uc = *uc;
// disable interrupt
// call irq_handle after returning from the signal handler
uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RDI] = (uintptr_t)c;
uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP] = (uintptr_t)irq_handle;
uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RSP] = (uintptr_t)c;
static void iret(ucontext_t *uc) {
Context *c = (void *)uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RDI];
// restore the context
*uc = c->uc;
thiscpu->ksp = c->ksp;
if (__am_in_userspace((void *)uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP])) __am_pmem_protect();
static void sig_handler(int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *ucontext) {
thiscpu->ev = (Event) {0};
thiscpu->ev.event = EVENT_ERROR;
switch (sig) {
case SIGUSR1: thiscpu->ev.event = EVENT_IRQ_IODEV; break;
case SIGUSR2: thiscpu->ev.event = EVENT_YIELD; break;
case SIGVTALRM: thiscpu->ev.event = EVENT_IRQ_TIMER; break;
if (info->si_code == SEGV_ACCERR) {
switch ((uintptr_t)info->si_addr) {
case 0x100000: thiscpu->ev.event = EVENT_SYSCALL; break;
case 0x100008: iret(ucontext); return;
if (__am_in_userspace(info->si_addr)) {
assert(thiscpu->ev.event == EVENT_ERROR);
thiscpu->ev.event = EVENT_PAGEFAULT;
switch (info->si_code) {
case SEGV_MAPERR: thiscpu->ev.cause = MMAP_READ; break;
// we do not support mapped user pages with MMAP_NONE
case SEGV_ACCERR: thiscpu->ev.cause = MMAP_WRITE; break;
default: assert(0);
thiscpu->ev.ref = (uintptr_t)info->si_addr;
if (thiscpu->ev.event == EVENT_ERROR) {
thiscpu->ev.ref = (uintptr_t)info->si_addr;
thiscpu->ev.cause = (uintptr_t)info->si_code;
thiscpu->ev.msg = strsignal(sig);
setup_stack(thiscpu->ev.event, ucontext);
// signal handlers are inherited across fork()
static void install_signal_handler() {
struct sigaction s;
memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s));
s.sa_sigaction = sig_handler;
int ret = sigaction(SIGVTALRM, &s, NULL);
assert(ret == 0);
ret = sigaction(SIGUSR1, &s, NULL);
assert(ret == 0);
ret = sigaction(SIGUSR2, &s, NULL);
assert(ret == 0);
ret = sigaction(SIGSEGV, &s, NULL);
assert(ret == 0);
// setitimer() are inherited across fork(), should be called again from children
void __am_init_timer_irq() {
struct itimerval it = {};
it.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
it.it_value.tv_usec = 1000000 / TIMER_HZ;
it.it_interval = it.it_value;
int ret = setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &it, NULL);
assert(ret == 0);
bool cte_init(Context*(*handler)(Event, Context*)) {
user_handler = handler;
return true;
Context* kcontext(Area kstack, void (*entry)(void *), void *arg) {
Context *c = (Context*)kstack.end - 1;
c->uc.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP] = (uintptr_t)__am_kcontext_start;
c->uc.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RSP] = (uintptr_t)kstack.end;
int ret = sigemptyset(&(c->uc.uc_sigmask)); // enable interrupt
assert(ret == 0);
c->vm_head = NULL;
c->GPR1 = (uintptr_t)arg;
c->GPR2 = (uintptr_t)entry;
return c;
void yield() {
bool ienabled() {
sigset_t set;
int ret = sigprocmask(0, NULL, &set);
assert(ret == 0);
return __am_is_sigmask_sti(&set);
void iset(bool enable) {
extern sigset_t __am_intr_sigmask;
// NOTE: sigprocmask does not supported in multithreading
int ret = sigprocmask(enable ? SIG_UNBLOCK : SIG_BLOCK, &__am_intr_sigmask, NULL);
assert(ret == 0);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <klib-macros.h>
bool __am_has_ioe = false;
static bool ioe_init_done = false;
void __am_timer_init();
void __am_gpu_init();
void __am_input_init();
void __am_audio_init();
void __am_disk_init();
void __am_input_config(AM_INPUT_CONFIG_T *);
void __am_timer_config(AM_TIMER_CONFIG_T *);
void __am_timer_rtc(AM_TIMER_RTC_T *);
void __am_timer_uptime(AM_TIMER_UPTIME_T *);
void __am_input_keybrd(AM_INPUT_KEYBRD_T *);
void __am_gpu_config(AM_GPU_CONFIG_T *);
void __am_gpu_status(AM_GPU_STATUS_T *);
void __am_gpu_fbdraw(AM_GPU_FBDRAW_T *);
void __am_audio_config(AM_AUDIO_CONFIG_T *);
void __am_audio_ctrl(AM_AUDIO_CTRL_T *);
void __am_audio_status(AM_AUDIO_STATUS_T *);
void __am_audio_play(AM_AUDIO_PLAY_T *);
void __am_disk_config(AM_DISK_CONFIG_T *cfg);
void __am_disk_status(AM_DISK_STATUS_T *stat);
void __am_disk_blkio(AM_DISK_BLKIO_T *io);
static void __am_uart_config(AM_UART_CONFIG_T *cfg) { cfg->present = false; }
static void __am_net_config (AM_NET_CONFIG_T *cfg) { cfg->present = false; }
typedef void (*handler_t)(void *buf);
static void *lut[128] = {
[AM_TIMER_CONFIG] = __am_timer_config,
[AM_TIMER_RTC ] = __am_timer_rtc,
[AM_TIMER_UPTIME] = __am_timer_uptime,
[AM_INPUT_CONFIG] = __am_input_config,
[AM_INPUT_KEYBRD] = __am_input_keybrd,
[AM_GPU_CONFIG ] = __am_gpu_config,
[AM_GPU_FBDRAW ] = __am_gpu_fbdraw,
[AM_GPU_STATUS ] = __am_gpu_status,
[AM_UART_CONFIG ] = __am_uart_config,
[AM_AUDIO_CONFIG] = __am_audio_config,
[AM_AUDIO_CTRL ] = __am_audio_ctrl,
[AM_AUDIO_STATUS] = __am_audio_status,
[AM_AUDIO_PLAY ] = __am_audio_play,
[AM_DISK_CONFIG ] = __am_disk_config,
[AM_DISK_STATUS ] = __am_disk_status,
[AM_DISK_BLKIO ] = __am_disk_blkio,
[AM_NET_CONFIG ] = __am_net_config,
bool ioe_init() {
panic_on(cpu_current() != 0, "call ioe_init() in other CPUs");
panic_on(ioe_init_done, "double-initialization");
__am_has_ioe = true;
return true;
static void fail(void *buf) { panic("access nonexist register"); }
void __am_ioe_init() {
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH(lut); i++)
if (!lut[i]) lut[i] = fail;
ioe_init_done = true;
static void do_io(int reg, void *buf) {
if (!ioe_init_done) {
void ioe_read (int reg, void *buf) { do_io(reg, buf); }
void ioe_write(int reg, void *buf) { do_io(reg, buf); }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <klib.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
static int rfd = -1, wfd = -1;
static volatile int count = 0;
void __am_audio_init() {
int fds[2];
int ret = pipe2(fds, O_NONBLOCK);
assert(ret == 0);
rfd = fds[0];
wfd = fds[1];
static void audio_play(void *userdata, uint8_t *stream, int len) {
int nread = len;
if (count < len) nread = count;
int b = 0;
while (b < nread) {
int n = read(rfd, stream, nread);
if (n > 0) b += n;
count -= nread;
if (len > nread) {
memset(stream + nread, 0, len - nread);
static void audio_write(uint8_t *buf, int len) {
int nwrite = 0;
while (nwrite < len) {
int n = write(wfd, buf, len);
if (n == -1) n = 0;
count += n;
nwrite += n;
void __am_audio_ctrl(AM_AUDIO_CTRL_T *ctrl) {
SDL_AudioSpec s = {};
s.freq = ctrl->freq;
s.format = AUDIO_S16SYS;
s.channels = ctrl->channels;
s.samples = ctrl->samples;
s.callback = audio_play;
s.userdata = NULL;
count = 0;
int ret = SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO);
if (ret == 0) {
SDL_OpenAudio(&s, NULL);
void __am_audio_status(AM_AUDIO_STATUS_T *stat) {
stat->count = count;
void __am_audio_play(AM_AUDIO_PLAY_T *ctl) {
int len = ctl->buf.end - ctl->buf.start;
audio_write(ctl->buf.start, len);
void __am_audio_config(AM_AUDIO_CONFIG_T *cfg) {
cfg->present = true;
cfg->bufsize = fcntl(rfd, F_GETPIPE_SZ);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define BLKSZ 512
static int disk_size = 0;
static FILE *fp = NULL;
void __am_disk_init() {
const char *diskimg = getenv("diskimg");
if (diskimg) {
fp = fopen(diskimg, "r+");
if (fp) {
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
disk_size = (ftell(fp) + 511) / 512;
void __am_disk_config(AM_DISK_CONFIG_T *cfg) {
cfg->present = (fp != NULL);
cfg->blksz = BLKSZ;
cfg->blkcnt = disk_size;
void __am_disk_status(AM_DISK_STATUS_T *stat) {
stat->ready = 1;
void __am_disk_blkio(AM_DISK_BLKIO_T *io) {
if (fp) {
fseek(fp, io->blkno * BLKSZ, SEEK_SET);
int ret;
if (io->write) ret = fwrite(io->buf, io->blkcnt * BLKSZ, 1, fp);
else ret = fread(io->buf, io->blkcnt * BLKSZ, 1, fp);
assert(ret == 1);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <fenv.h>
//#define MODE_800x600
#ifdef MODE_800x600
# define W 800
# define H 600
# define W 400
# define H 300
#define FPS 60
#define RMASK 0x00ff0000
#define GMASK 0x0000ff00
#define BMASK 0x000000ff
#define AMASK 0x00000000
static SDL_Window *window = NULL;
static SDL_Surface *surface = NULL;
static Uint32 texture_sync(Uint32 interval, void *param) {
SDL_BlitScaled(surface, NULL, SDL_GetWindowSurface(window), NULL);
return interval;
void __am_gpu_init() {
window = SDL_CreateWindow("Native Application",
#ifdef MODE_800x600
W, H,
W * 2, H * 2,
surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, W, H, 32,
SDL_AddTimer(1000 / FPS, texture_sync, NULL);
void __am_gpu_config(AM_GPU_CONFIG_T *cfg) {
*cfg = (AM_GPU_CONFIG_T) {
.present = true, .has_accel = false,
.width = W, .height = H,
.vmemsz = 0
void __am_gpu_status(AM_GPU_STATUS_T *stat) {
stat->ready = true;
void __am_gpu_fbdraw(AM_GPU_FBDRAW_T *ctl) {
int x = ctl->x, y = ctl->y, w = ctl->w, h = ctl->h;
if (w == 0 || h == 0) return;
SDL_Surface *s = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(ctl->pixels, w, h, 32, w * sizeof(uint32_t),
SDL_Rect rect = { .x = x, .y = y };
SDL_BlitSurface(s, NULL, surface, &rect);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#define KEYDOWN_MASK 0x8000
#define KEY_QUEUE_LEN 1024
static int key_queue[KEY_QUEUE_LEN] = {};
static int key_f = 0, key_r = 0;
static SDL_mutex *key_queue_lock = NULL;
#define XX(k) [SDL_SCANCODE_##k] = AM_KEY_##k,
static int keymap[256] = {
static int event_thread(void *args) {
SDL_Event event;
while (1) {
switch (event.type) {
case SDL_QUIT: halt(0);
case SDL_KEYUP: {
SDL_Keysym k = event.key.keysym;
int keydown = event.key.type == SDL_KEYDOWN;
int scancode = k.scancode;
if (keymap[scancode] != 0) {
int am_code = keymap[scancode] | (keydown ? KEYDOWN_MASK : 0);
key_queue[key_r] = am_code;
key_r = (key_r + 1) % KEY_QUEUE_LEN;
void __am_send_kbd_intr();
void __am_input_init() {
key_queue_lock = SDL_CreateMutex();
SDL_CreateThread(event_thread, "event thread", NULL);
void __am_input_config(AM_INPUT_CONFIG_T *cfg) {
cfg->present = true;
void __am_input_keybrd(AM_INPUT_KEYBRD_T *kbd) {
int k = AM_KEY_NONE;
if (key_f != key_r) {
k = key_queue[key_f];
key_f = (key_f + 1) % KEY_QUEUE_LEN;
kbd->keydown = (k & KEYDOWN_MASK ? true : false);
kbd->keycode = k & ~KEYDOWN_MASK;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
static struct timeval boot_time = {};
void __am_timer_config(AM_TIMER_CONFIG_T *cfg) {
cfg->present = cfg->has_rtc = true;
void __am_timer_rtc(AM_TIMER_RTC_T *rtc) {
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm *tm = localtime(&t);
rtc->second = tm->tm_sec;
rtc->minute = tm->tm_min;
rtc->hour = tm->tm_hour;
rtc->day = tm->tm_mday;
rtc->month = tm->tm_mon + 1;
rtc->year = tm->tm_year + 1900;
void __am_timer_uptime(AM_TIMER_UPTIME_T *uptime) {
struct timeval now;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
long seconds = now.tv_sec - boot_time.tv_sec;
long useconds = now.tv_usec - boot_time.tv_usec;
uptime->us = seconds * 1000000 + (useconds + 500);
void __am_timer_init() {
gettimeofday(&boot_time, NULL);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include "platform.h"
int __am_mpe_init = 0;
extern bool __am_has_ioe;
void __am_ioe_init();
bool mpe_init(void (*entry)()) {
__am_mpe_init = 1;
int sync_pipe[2];
assert(0 == pipe(sync_pipe));
for (int i = 1; i < cpu_count(); i++) {
if (fork() == 0) {
char ch;
assert(read(sync_pipe[0], &ch, 1) == 1);
assert(ch == '+');
close(sync_pipe[0]); close(sync_pipe[1]);
thiscpu->cpuid = i;
if (__am_has_ioe) {
for (int i = 1; i < cpu_count(); i++) {
assert(write(sync_pipe[1], "+", 1) == 1);
close(sync_pipe[0]); close(sync_pipe[1]);
panic("MP entry should not return\n");
int cpu_count() {
extern int __am_ncpu;
return __am_ncpu;
int cpu_current() {
return thiscpu->cpuid;
int atomic_xchg(int *addr, int newval) {
return atomic_exchange((int *)addr, newval);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/auxv.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "platform.h"
#define MAX_CPU 16
#define TRAP_PAGE_START (void *)0x100000
#define PMEM_START (void *)0x1000000 // for nanos-lite with vme disabled
#define PMEM_SIZE (128 * 1024 * 1024) // 128MB
static int pmem_fd = 0;
static void *pmem = NULL;
static ucontext_t uc_example = {};
static void *(*memcpy_libc)(void *, const void *, size_t) = NULL;
sigset_t __am_intr_sigmask = {};
__am_cpu_t *__am_cpu_struct = NULL;
int __am_ncpu = 0;
int __am_pgsize = 0;
static void save_context_handler(int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *ucontext) {
memcpy_libc(&uc_example, ucontext, sizeof(uc_example));
static void save_example_context() {
// getcontext() does not save segment registers. In the signal
// handler, restoring a context previously saved by getcontext()
// will trigger segmentation fault because of the invalid segment
// registers. So we save the example context during signal handling
// to get a context with everything valid.
struct sigaction s;
void *(*memset_libc)(void *, int, size_t) = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "memset");
memset_libc(&s, 0, sizeof(s));
s.sa_sigaction = save_context_handler;
s.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
int ret = sigaction(SIGUSR1, &s, NULL);
assert(ret == 0);
s.sa_flags = 0;
s.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
ret = sigaction(SIGUSR1, &s, NULL);
assert(ret == 0);
static void setup_sigaltstack() {
assert(sizeof(thiscpu->sigstack) >= SIGSTKSZ);
stack_t ss;
ss.ss_sp = thiscpu->sigstack;
ss.ss_size = sizeof(thiscpu->sigstack);
ss.ss_flags = 0;
int ret = sigaltstack(&ss, NULL);
assert(ret == 0);
int main(const char *args);
static void init_platform() __attribute__((constructor));
static void init_platform() {
// create memory object and set up mapping to simulate the physical memory
pmem_fd = memfd_create("pmem", 0);
assert(pmem_fd != -1);
// use dynamic linking to avoid linking to the same function in RT-Thread
int (*ftruncate_libc)(int, off_t) = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "ftruncate");
assert(ftruncate_libc != NULL);
int ret2 = ftruncate_libc(pmem_fd, PMEM_SIZE);
assert(ret2 == 0);
MAP_SHARED | MAP_FIXED, pmem_fd, 0);
assert(pmem != (void *)-1);
// allocate private per-cpu structure
thiscpu = mmap(NULL, sizeof(*thiscpu), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
assert(thiscpu != (void *)-1);
thiscpu->cpuid = 0;
thiscpu->vm_head = NULL;
// create trap page to receive syscall and yield by SIGSEGV
int sys_pgsz = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
void *ret = mmap(TRAP_PAGE_START, sys_pgsz, PROT_NONE,
assert(ret != (void *)-1);
// save the address of memcpy() in glibc, since it may be linked with klib
memcpy_libc = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "memcpy");
assert(memcpy_libc != NULL);
// remap writable sections as MAP_SHARED
Elf64_Phdr *phdr = (void *)getauxval(AT_PHDR);
int phnum = (int)getauxval(AT_PHNUM);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < phnum; i ++) {
if (phdr[i].p_type == PT_LOAD && (phdr[i].p_flags & PF_W)) {
// allocate temporary memory
extern char end;
void *vaddr = (void *)&end - phdr[i].p_memsz;
uintptr_t pad = (uintptr_t)vaddr & 0xfff;
void *vaddr_align = vaddr - pad;
uintptr_t size = phdr[i].p_memsz + pad;
void *temp_mem = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
assert(temp_mem != (void *)-1);
// save data and bss sections
memcpy_libc(temp_mem, vaddr_align, size);
// save the address of mmap() which will be used after munamp(),
// since calling the library functions requires accessing GOT, which will be unmapped
void *(*mmap_libc)(void *, size_t, int, int, int, off_t) = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "mmap");
assert(mmap_libc != NULL);
// load the address of memcpy() on stack, which can still be accessed
// after the data section is unmapped
void *(*volatile memcpy_libc_temp)(void *, const void *, size_t) = memcpy_libc;
// unmap the data and bss sections
ret2 = munmap(vaddr_align, size);
assert(ret2 == 0);
// map the sections again with MAP_SHARED, which will be shared across fork()
ret = mmap_libc(vaddr_align, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC,
assert(ret == vaddr_align);
// restore the data in the sections
memcpy_libc_temp(vaddr_align, temp_mem, size);
// unmap the temporary memory
ret2 = munmap(temp_mem, size);
assert(ret2 == 0);
// set up the AM heap
heap = RANGE(pmem, pmem + PMEM_SIZE);
// initialize sigmask for interrupts
ret2 = sigemptyset(&__am_intr_sigmask);
assert(ret2 == 0);
ret2 = sigaddset(&__am_intr_sigmask, SIGVTALRM);
assert(ret2 == 0);
ret2 = sigaddset(&__am_intr_sigmask, SIGUSR1);
assert(ret2 == 0);
// setup alternative signal stack
// save the context template
uc_example.uc_mcontext.fpregs = NULL; // clear the FPU context
// disable interrupts by default
// set ncpu
const char *smp = getenv("smp");
__am_ncpu = smp ? atoi(smp) : 1;
assert(0 < __am_ncpu && __am_ncpu <= MAX_CPU);
// set pgsize
const char *pgsize = getenv("pgsize");
__am_pgsize = pgsize ? atoi(pgsize) : sys_pgsz;
assert(__am_pgsize > 0 && __am_pgsize % sys_pgsz == 0);
// set stdout unbuffered
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
const char *args = getenv("mainargs");
halt(main(args ? args : "")); // call main here!
void __am_exit_platform(int code) {
// let Linux clean up other resource
extern int __am_mpe_init;
if (__am_mpe_init && cpu_count() > 1) kill(0, SIGKILL);
void __am_pmem_map(void *va, void *pa, int prot) {
// translate AM prot to mmap prot
int mmap_prot = PROT_NONE;
// we do not support executable bit, so mark
// all readable pages executable as well
if (prot & MMAP_READ) mmap_prot |= PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC;
if (prot & MMAP_WRITE) mmap_prot |= PROT_WRITE;
void *ret = mmap(va, __am_pgsize, mmap_prot,
MAP_SHARED | MAP_FIXED, pmem_fd, (uintptr_t)(pa - pmem));
assert(ret != (void *)-1);
void __am_pmem_unmap(void *va) {
int ret = munmap(va, __am_pgsize);
assert(ret == 0);
void __am_get_example_uc(Context *r) {
memcpy_libc(&r->uc, &uc_example, sizeof(uc_example));
void __am_get_intr_sigmask(sigset_t *s) {
memcpy_libc(s, &__am_intr_sigmask, sizeof(__am_intr_sigmask));
int __am_is_sigmask_sti(sigset_t *s) {
return !sigismember(s, SIGVTALRM);
void __am_send_kbd_intr() {
kill(getpid(), SIGUSR1);
void __am_pmem_protect() {
// int ret = mprotect(PMEM_START, PMEM_SIZE, PROT_NONE);
// assert(ret == 0);
void __am_pmem_unprotect() {
// assert(ret == 0);
// This dummy function will be called in trm.c.
// The purpose of this dummy function is to let linker add this file to the object
// file set. Without it, the constructor of @_init_platform will not be linked.
void __am_platform_dummy() {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#ifndef __PLATFORM_H__
#define __PLATFORM_H__
#include <am.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <klib.h>
#include <klib-macros.h>
void __am_get_example_uc(Context *r);
void __am_get_intr_sigmask(sigset_t *s);
int __am_is_sigmask_sti(sigset_t *s);
void __am_init_timer_irq();
void __am_pmem_map(void *va, void *pa, int prot);
void __am_pmem_unmap(void *va);
// per-cpu structure
typedef struct {
void *vm_head;
uintptr_t ksp;
int cpuid;
Event ev; // similar to cause register in mips/riscv
uint8_t sigstack[32768];
} __am_cpu_t;
extern __am_cpu_t *__am_cpu_struct;
#define thiscpu __am_cpu_struct

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
.global __am_kcontext_start
// rdi = arg, rsi = entry
// (rsp + 8) should be multiple of 16 when
// control is transfered to the function entry point.
// See amd64 ABI manual for more details
andq $0xfffffffffffffff0, %rsp
call *%rsi
call __am_panic_on_return

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <klib-macros.h>
void __am_platform_dummy();
void __am_exit_platform(int code);
void trm_init() {
void putch(char ch) {
void halt(int code) {
const char *fmt = "Exit code = 40h\n";
for (const char *p = fmt; *p; p++) {
char ch = *p;
if (ch == '0' || ch == '4') {
ch = "0123456789abcdef"[(code >> (ch - '0')) & 0xf];
putstr("Should not reach here!\n");
while (1);
Area heap = {};

View file

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <search.h>
#include "platform.h"
#define USER_SPACE RANGE(0x40000000, 0xc0000000)
typedef struct PageMap {
void *va;
void *pa;
struct PageMap *next;
int prot;
int is_mapped;
char key[32]; // used for hsearch_r()
} PageMap;
typedef struct VMHead {
PageMap *head;
struct hsearch_data hash;
int nr_page;
} VMHead;
#define list_foreach(p, head) \
for (p = (PageMap *)(head); p != NULL; p = p->next)
extern int __am_pgsize;
static int vme_enable = 0;
static void* (*pgalloc)(int) = NULL;
static void (*pgfree)(void *) = NULL;
bool vme_init(void* (*pgalloc_f)(int), void (*pgfree_f)(void*)) {
pgalloc = pgalloc_f;
pgfree = pgfree_f;
vme_enable = 1;
return true;
void protect(AddrSpace *as) {
assert(as != NULL);
VMHead *h = pgalloc(__am_pgsize); // used as head of the list
assert(h != NULL);
memset(h, 0, sizeof(*h));
int max_pg = (USER_SPACE.end - USER_SPACE.start) / __am_pgsize;
int ret = hcreate_r(max_pg, &h->hash);
assert(ret != 0);
as->ptr = h;
as->pgsize = __am_pgsize;
as->area = USER_SPACE;
void unprotect(AddrSpace *as) {
void __am_switch(Context *c) {
if (!vme_enable) return;
VMHead *head = c->vm_head;
VMHead *now_head = thiscpu->vm_head;
if (head == now_head) goto end;
PageMap *pp;
if (now_head != NULL) {
// munmap all mappings
list_foreach(pp, now_head->head) {
if (pp->is_mapped) {
pp->is_mapped = false;
if (head != NULL) {
// mmap all mappings
list_foreach(pp, head->head) {
assert(IN_RANGE(pp->va, USER_SPACE));
__am_pmem_map(pp->va, pp->pa, pp->prot);
pp->is_mapped = true;
thiscpu->vm_head = head;
void map(AddrSpace *as, void *va, void *pa, int prot) {
assert(IN_RANGE(va, USER_SPACE));
assert((uintptr_t)va % __am_pgsize == 0);
assert((uintptr_t)pa % __am_pgsize == 0);
assert(as != NULL);
PageMap *pp = NULL;
VMHead *vm_head = as->ptr;
assert(vm_head != NULL);
char buf[32];
snprintf(buf, 32, "%x", va);
ENTRY item = { .key = buf };
ENTRY *item_find;
hsearch_r(item, FIND, &item_find, &vm_head->hash);
if (item_find == NULL) {
pp = pgalloc(__am_pgsize); // this will waste memory, any better idea?
snprintf(pp->key, 32, "%x", va);
item.key = pp->key;
item.data = pp;
int ret = hsearch_r(item, ENTER, &item_find, &vm_head->hash);
assert(ret != 0);
vm_head->nr_page ++;
} else {
pp = item_find->data;
pp->va = va;
pp->pa = pa;
pp->prot = prot;
pp->is_mapped = false;
pp->next = vm_head->head;
vm_head->head = pp;
if (vm_head == thiscpu->vm_head) {
// enforce the map immediately
__am_pmem_map(pp->va, pp->pa, pp->prot);
pp->is_mapped = true;
Context* ucontext(AddrSpace *as, Area kstack, void *entry) {
Context *c = (Context*)kstack.end - 1;
c->uc.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP] = (uintptr_t)entry;
c->uc.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RSP] = (uintptr_t)USER_SPACE.end;
int ret = sigemptyset(&(c->uc.uc_sigmask)); // enable interrupt
assert(ret == 0);
c->vm_head = as->ptr;
c->ksp = (uintptr_t)kstack.end;
return c;
int __am_in_userspace(void *addr) {
return vme_enable && thiscpu->vm_head != NULL && IN_RANGE(addr, USER_SPACE);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#include <am.h>
bool cte_init(Context*(*handler)(Event, Context*)) {
return false;
Context *kcontext(Area kstack, void (*entry)(void *), void *arg) {
return NULL;
void yield() {
bool ienabled() {
return false;
void iset(bool enable) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <klib-macros.h>
static void fail(void *buf) { panic("access nonexist register"); }
bool ioe_init() {
return false;
void ioe_read (int reg, void *buf) { fail(buf); }
void ioe_write(int reg, void *buf) { fail(buf); }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#include <am.h>
bool mpe_init(void (*entry)()) {
return false;
int cpu_count() {
return 1;
int cpu_current() {
return 0;
int atomic_xchg(int *addr, int newval) {
return 0;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#include <am.h>
Area heap = RANGE(NULL, NULL);
void putch(char ch) {
void halt(int code) {
while (1);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#include <am.h>
bool vme_init(void* (*pgalloc_f)(int), void (*pgfree_f)(void*)) {
return false;
void protect(AddrSpace *as) {
void unprotect(AddrSpace *as) {
void map(AddrSpace *as, void *va, void *pa, int prot) {
Context *ucontext(AddrSpace *as, Area kstack, void *entry) {
return NULL;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#ifndef NEMU_H__
#define NEMU_H__
#include <klib-macros.h>
#include ISA_H // the macro `ISA_H` is defined in CFLAGS
// it will be expanded as "x86/x86.h", "mips/mips32.h", ...
#if defined(__ISA_X86__)
# define nemu_trap(code) asm volatile ("int3" : :"a"(code))
#elif defined(__ISA_MIPS32__)
# define nemu_trap(code) asm volatile ("move $v0, %0; sdbbp" : :"r"(code))
#elif defined(__riscv)
# define nemu_trap(code) asm volatile("mv a0, %0; ebreak" : :"r"(code))
#elif defined(__ISA_LOONGARCH32R__)
# define nemu_trap(code) asm volatile("move $a0, %0; break 0" : :"r"(code))
# error unsupported ISA __ISA__
#if defined(__ARCH_X86_NEMU)
# define DEVICE_BASE 0x0
# define DEVICE_BASE 0xa0000000
#define MMIO_BASE 0xa0000000
#define SERIAL_PORT (DEVICE_BASE + 0x00003f8)
#define KBD_ADDR (DEVICE_BASE + 0x0000060)
#define RTC_ADDR (DEVICE_BASE + 0x0000048)
#define VGACTL_ADDR (DEVICE_BASE + 0x0000100)
#define AUDIO_ADDR (DEVICE_BASE + 0x0000200)
#define DISK_ADDR (DEVICE_BASE + 0x0000300)
#define FB_ADDR (MMIO_BASE + 0x1000000)
#define AUDIO_SBUF_ADDR (MMIO_BASE + 0x1200000)
extern char _pmem_start;
#define PMEM_SIZE (128 * 1024 * 1024)
#define PMEM_END ((uintptr_t)&_pmem_start + PMEM_SIZE)
RANGE(&_pmem_start, PMEM_END), \
RANGE(FB_ADDR, FB_ADDR + 0x200000), \
RANGE(MMIO_BASE, MMIO_BASE + 0x1000) /* serial, rtc, screen, keyboard */
typedef uintptr_t PTE;
#define PGSIZE 4096

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <nemu.h>
void __am_audio_init() {
void __am_audio_config(AM_AUDIO_CONFIG_T *cfg) {
cfg->present = false;
void __am_audio_ctrl(AM_AUDIO_CTRL_T *ctrl) {
void __am_audio_status(AM_AUDIO_STATUS_T *stat) {
stat->count = 0;
void __am_audio_play(AM_AUDIO_PLAY_T *ctl) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <nemu.h>
void __am_disk_config(AM_DISK_CONFIG_T *cfg) {
cfg->present = false;
void __am_disk_status(AM_DISK_STATUS_T *stat) {
void __am_disk_blkio(AM_DISK_BLKIO_T *io) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <nemu.h>
void __am_gpu_init() {
void __am_gpu_config(AM_GPU_CONFIG_T *cfg) {
*cfg = (AM_GPU_CONFIG_T) {
.present = true, .has_accel = false,
.width = 0, .height = 0,
.vmemsz = 0
void __am_gpu_fbdraw(AM_GPU_FBDRAW_T *ctl) {
if (ctl->sync) {
outl(SYNC_ADDR, 1);
void __am_gpu_status(AM_GPU_STATUS_T *status) {
status->ready = true;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <nemu.h>
#define KEYDOWN_MASK 0x8000
void __am_input_keybrd(AM_INPUT_KEYBRD_T *kbd) {
kbd->keydown = 0;
kbd->keycode = AM_KEY_NONE;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <klib-macros.h>
void __am_timer_init();
void __am_gpu_init();
void __am_audio_init();
void __am_input_keybrd(AM_INPUT_KEYBRD_T *);
void __am_timer_rtc(AM_TIMER_RTC_T *);
void __am_timer_uptime(AM_TIMER_UPTIME_T *);
void __am_gpu_config(AM_GPU_CONFIG_T *);
void __am_gpu_status(AM_GPU_STATUS_T *);
void __am_gpu_fbdraw(AM_GPU_FBDRAW_T *);
void __am_audio_config(AM_AUDIO_CONFIG_T *);
void __am_audio_ctrl(AM_AUDIO_CTRL_T *);
void __am_audio_status(AM_AUDIO_STATUS_T *);
void __am_audio_play(AM_AUDIO_PLAY_T *);
void __am_disk_config(AM_DISK_CONFIG_T *cfg);
void __am_disk_status(AM_DISK_STATUS_T *stat);
void __am_disk_blkio(AM_DISK_BLKIO_T *io);
static void __am_timer_config(AM_TIMER_CONFIG_T *cfg) { cfg->present = true; cfg->has_rtc = true; }
static void __am_input_config(AM_INPUT_CONFIG_T *cfg) { cfg->present = true; }
static void __am_uart_config(AM_UART_CONFIG_T *cfg) { cfg->present = false; }
static void __am_net_config (AM_NET_CONFIG_T *cfg) { cfg->present = false; }
typedef void (*handler_t)(void *buf);
static void *lut[128] = {
[AM_TIMER_CONFIG] = __am_timer_config,
[AM_TIMER_RTC ] = __am_timer_rtc,
[AM_TIMER_UPTIME] = __am_timer_uptime,
[AM_INPUT_CONFIG] = __am_input_config,
[AM_INPUT_KEYBRD] = __am_input_keybrd,
[AM_GPU_CONFIG ] = __am_gpu_config,
[AM_GPU_FBDRAW ] = __am_gpu_fbdraw,
[AM_GPU_STATUS ] = __am_gpu_status,
[AM_UART_CONFIG ] = __am_uart_config,
[AM_AUDIO_CONFIG] = __am_audio_config,
[AM_AUDIO_CTRL ] = __am_audio_ctrl,
[AM_AUDIO_STATUS] = __am_audio_status,
[AM_AUDIO_PLAY ] = __am_audio_play,
[AM_DISK_CONFIG ] = __am_disk_config,
[AM_DISK_STATUS ] = __am_disk_status,
[AM_DISK_BLKIO ] = __am_disk_blkio,
[AM_NET_CONFIG ] = __am_net_config,
static void fail(void *buf) { panic("access nonexist register"); }
bool ioe_init() {
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH(lut); i++)
if (!lut[i]) lut[i] = fail;
return true;
void ioe_read (int reg, void *buf) { ((handler_t)lut[reg])(buf); }
void ioe_write(int reg, void *buf) { ((handler_t)lut[reg])(buf); }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <nemu.h>
void __am_timer_init() {
void __am_timer_uptime(AM_TIMER_UPTIME_T *uptime) {
uptime->us = 0;
void __am_timer_rtc(AM_TIMER_RTC_T *rtc) {
rtc->second = 0;
rtc->minute = 0;
rtc->hour = 0;
rtc->day = 0;
rtc->month = 0;
rtc->year = 1900;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include <klib-macros.h>
bool mpe_init(void (*entry)()) {
panic("MPE entry returns");
int cpu_count() {
return 1;
int cpu_current() {
return 0;
int atomic_xchg(int *addr, int newval) {
return atomic_exchange(addr, newval);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <nemu.h>
extern char _heap_start;
int main(const char *args);
Area heap = RANGE(&_heap_start, PMEM_END);
#ifndef MAINARGS
#define MAINARGS ""
static const char mainargs[] = MAINARGS;
void putch(char ch) {
outb(SERIAL_PORT, ch);
void halt(int code) {
// should not reach here
while (1);
void _trm_init() {
int ret = main(mainargs);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <riscv/riscv.h>
#include <klib.h>
static Context* (*user_handler)(Event, Context*) = NULL;
Context* __am_irq_handle(Context *c) {
if (user_handler) {
Event ev = {0};
switch (c->mcause) {
default: ev.event = EVENT_ERROR; break;
c = user_handler(ev, c);
assert(c != NULL);
return c;
extern void __am_asm_trap(void);
bool cte_init(Context*(*handler)(Event, Context*)) {
// initialize exception entry
asm volatile("csrw mtvec, %0" : : "r"(__am_asm_trap));
// register event handler
user_handler = handler;
return true;
Context *kcontext(Area kstack, void (*entry)(void *), void *arg) {
return NULL;
void yield() {
#ifdef __riscv_e
asm volatile("li a5, -1; ecall");
asm volatile("li a7, -1; ecall");
bool ienabled() {
return false;
void iset(bool enable) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
.section entry, "ax"
.globl _start
.type _start, @function
mv s0, zero
la sp, _stack_pointer
jal _trm_init

View file

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#define concat_temp(x, y) x ## y
#define concat(x, y) concat_temp(x, y)
#define MAP(c, f) c(f)
#if __riscv_xlen == 32
#define LOAD lw
#define STORE sw
#define XLEN 4
#define LOAD ld
#define STORE sd
#define XLEN 8
#define REGS_LO16(f) \
f( 1) f( 3) f( 4) f( 5) f( 6) f( 7) f( 8) f( 9) \
f(10) f(11) f(12) f(13) f(14) f(15)
#ifndef __riscv_e
#define REGS_HI16(f) \
f(16) f(17) f(18) f(19) \
f(20) f(21) f(22) f(23) f(24) f(25) f(26) f(27) f(28) f(29) \
f(30) f(31)
#define NR_REGS 32
#define REGS_HI16(f)
#define NR_REGS 16
#define REGS(f) REGS_LO16(f) REGS_HI16(f)
#define PUSH(n) STORE concat(x, n), (n * XLEN)(sp);
#define POP(n) LOAD concat(x, n), (n * XLEN)(sp);
#define CONTEXT_SIZE ((NR_REGS + 3 + 1) * XLEN)
#define OFFSET_SP ( 2 * XLEN)
#define OFFSET_CAUSE ((NR_REGS + 0) * XLEN)
#define OFFSET_STATUS ((NR_REGS + 1) * XLEN)
#define OFFSET_EPC ((NR_REGS + 2) * XLEN)
.align 3
.globl __am_asm_trap
addi sp, sp, -CONTEXT_SIZE
csrr t0, mcause
csrr t1, mstatus
csrr t2, mepc
# set mstatus.MPRV to pass difftest
li a0, (1 << 17)
or t1, t1, a0
csrw mstatus, t1
mv a0, sp
jal __am_irq_handle
csrw mstatus, t1
csrw mepc, t2
addi sp, sp, CONTEXT_SIZE

View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <nemu.h>
#include <klib.h>
static AddrSpace kas = {};
static void* (*pgalloc_usr)(int) = NULL;
static void (*pgfree_usr)(void*) = NULL;
static int vme_enable = 0;
static Area segments[] = { // Kernel memory mappings
#define USER_SPACE RANGE(0x40000000, 0x80000000)
static inline void set_satp(void *pdir) {
uintptr_t mode = 1ul << (__riscv_xlen - 1);
asm volatile("csrw satp, %0" : : "r"(mode | ((uintptr_t)pdir >> 12)));
static inline uintptr_t get_satp() {
uintptr_t satp;
asm volatile("csrr %0, satp" : "=r"(satp));
return satp << 12;
bool vme_init(void* (*pgalloc_f)(int), void (*pgfree_f)(void*)) {
pgalloc_usr = pgalloc_f;
pgfree_usr = pgfree_f;
kas.ptr = pgalloc_f(PGSIZE);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(segments); i ++) {
void *va = segments[i].start;
for (; va < segments[i].end; va += PGSIZE) {
map(&kas, va, va, 0);
vme_enable = 1;
return true;
void protect(AddrSpace *as) {
PTE *updir = (PTE*)(pgalloc_usr(PGSIZE));
as->ptr = updir;
as->area = USER_SPACE;
as->pgsize = PGSIZE;
// map kernel space
memcpy(updir, kas.ptr, PGSIZE);
void unprotect(AddrSpace *as) {
void __am_get_cur_as(Context *c) {
c->pdir = (vme_enable ? (void *)get_satp() : NULL);
void __am_switch(Context *c) {
if (vme_enable && c->pdir != NULL) {
void map(AddrSpace *as, void *va, void *pa, int prot) {
Context *ucontext(AddrSpace *as, Area kstack, void *entry) {
return NULL;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <riscv/riscv.h>
#include <klib.h>
static Context* (*user_handler)(Event, Context*) = NULL;
Context* __am_irq_handle(Context *c) {
if (user_handler) {
Event ev = {0};
switch (c->mcause) {
default: ev.event = EVENT_ERROR; break;
c = user_handler(ev, c);
assert(c != NULL);
return c;
extern void __am_asm_trap(void);
bool cte_init(Context*(*handler)(Event, Context*)) {
// initialize exception entry
asm volatile("csrw mtvec, %0" : : "r"(__am_asm_trap));
// register event handler
user_handler = handler;
return true;
Context *kcontext(Area kstack, void (*entry)(void *), void *arg) {
return NULL;
void yield() {
#ifdef __riscv_e
asm volatile("li a5, -1; ecall");
asm volatile("li a7, -1; ecall");
bool ienabled() {
return false;
void iset(bool enable) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include <am.h>
void __am_input_keybrd(AM_INPUT_KEYBRD_T *kbd) {
kbd->keydown = 0;
kbd->keycode = AM_KEY_NONE;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <klib-macros.h>
void __am_timer_init();
void __am_timer_rtc(AM_TIMER_RTC_T *);
void __am_timer_uptime(AM_TIMER_UPTIME_T *);
void __am_input_keybrd(AM_INPUT_KEYBRD_T *);
static void __am_timer_config(AM_TIMER_CONFIG_T *cfg) { cfg->present = true; cfg->has_rtc = true; }
static void __am_input_config(AM_INPUT_CONFIG_T *cfg) { cfg->present = true; }
typedef void (*handler_t)(void *buf);
static void *lut[128] = {
[AM_TIMER_CONFIG] = __am_timer_config,
[AM_TIMER_RTC ] = __am_timer_rtc,
[AM_TIMER_UPTIME] = __am_timer_uptime,
[AM_INPUT_CONFIG] = __am_input_config,
[AM_INPUT_KEYBRD] = __am_input_keybrd,
static void fail(void *buf) { panic("access nonexist register"); }
bool ioe_init() {
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH(lut); i++)
if (!lut[i]) lut[i] = fail;
return true;
void ioe_read (int reg, void *buf) { ((handler_t)lut[reg])(buf); }
void ioe_write(int reg, void *buf) { ((handler_t)lut[reg])(buf); }

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#define LIBGCC2_UNITS_PER_WORD (__riscv_xlen / 8)
#include "libgcc2.h"
DWtype __ashldi3 (DWtype u, shift_count_type b)
if (b == 0)
return u;
const DWunion uu = {.ll = u};
const shift_count_type bm = W_TYPE_SIZE - b;
DWunion w;
if (bm <= 0)
w.s.low = 0;
w.s.high = (UWtype) uu.s.low << -bm;
const UWtype carries = (UWtype) uu.s.low >> bm;
w.s.low = (UWtype) uu.s.low << b;
w.s.high = ((UWtype) uu.s.high << b) | carries;
return w.ll;

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@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
/* Integer division routines for RISC-V.
Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GCC.
GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
#include "riscv-asm.h"
.align 2
#if __riscv_xlen == 32
/* Our RV64 64-bit routines are equivalent to our RV32 32-bit routines. */
# define __udivdi3 __udivsi3
# define __umoddi3 __umodsi3
# define __divdi3 __divsi3
# define __moddi3 __modsi3
FUNC_BEGIN (__udivsi3)
/* Compute __udivdi3(a0 << 32, a1 << 32); cast result to uint32_t. */
sll a0, a0, 32
sll a1, a1, 32
move t0, ra
jal HIDDEN_JUMPTARGET(__udivdi3)
sext.w a0, a0
jr t0
FUNC_END (__udivsi3)
FUNC_BEGIN (__umodsi3)
/* Compute __udivdi3((uint32_t)a0, (uint32_t)a1); cast a1 to uint32_t. */
sll a0, a0, 32
sll a1, a1, 32
srl a0, a0, 32
srl a1, a1, 32
move t0, ra
jal HIDDEN_JUMPTARGET(__udivdi3)
sext.w a0, a1
jr t0
FUNC_END (__umodsi3)
FUNC_ALIAS (__modsi3, __moddi3)
FUNC_BEGIN( __divsi3)
/* Check for special case of INT_MIN/-1. Otherwise, fall into __divdi3. */
li t0, -1
beq a1, t0, .L20
FUNC_BEGIN (__divdi3)
bltz a0, .L10
bltz a1, .L11
/* Since the quotient is positive, fall into __udivdi3. */
FUNC_BEGIN (__udivdi3)
mv a2, a1
mv a1, a0
li a0, -1
beqz a2, .L5
li a3, 1
bgeu a2, a1, .L2
blez a2, .L2
slli a2, a2, 1
slli a3, a3, 1
bgtu a1, a2, .L1
li a0, 0
bltu a1, a2, .L4
sub a1, a1, a2
or a0, a0, a3
srli a3, a3, 1
srli a2, a2, 1
bnez a3, .L3
FUNC_END (__udivdi3)
HIDDEN_DEF (__udivdi3)
FUNC_BEGIN (__umoddi3)
/* Call __udivdi3(a0, a1), then return the remainder, which is in a1. */
move t0, ra
jal HIDDEN_JUMPTARGET(__udivdi3)
move a0, a1
jr t0
FUNC_END (__umoddi3)
/* Handle negative arguments to __divdi3. */
neg a0, a0
/* Zero is handled as a negative so that the result will not be inverted. */
bgtz a1, .L12 /* Compute __udivdi3(-a0, a1), then negate the result. */
neg a1, a1
j HIDDEN_JUMPTARGET(__udivdi3) /* Compute __udivdi3(-a0, -a1). */
.L11: /* Compute __udivdi3(a0, -a1), then negate the result. */
neg a1, a1
move t0, ra
jal HIDDEN_JUMPTARGET(__udivdi3)
neg a0, a0
jr t0
FUNC_END (__divdi3)
FUNC_BEGIN (__moddi3)
move t0, ra
bltz a1, .L31
bltz a0, .L32
jal HIDDEN_JUMPTARGET(__udivdi3) /* The dividend is not negative. */
move a0, a1
jr t0
neg a1, a1
bgez a0, .L30
neg a0, a0
jal HIDDEN_JUMPTARGET(__udivdi3) /* The dividend is hella negative. */
neg a0, a1
jr t0
FUNC_END (__moddi3)
#if __riscv_xlen == 64
/* continuation of __divsi3 */
sll t0, t0, 31
bne a0, t0, __divdi3
FUNC_END (__divsi3)

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@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
/* Header file for libgcc2.c. */
/* Copyright (C) 2000-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GCC.
GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
#ifndef GCC_LIBGCC2_H
#define GCC_LIBGCC2_H
#include <stddef.h>
#define MIN_UNITS_PER_WORD (__riscv_xlen / 8)
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
extern int __gcc_bcmp (const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, size_t);
extern void __clear_cache (void *, void *);
extern void __eprintf (const char *, const char *, unsigned int, const char *)
__attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
#ifndef __LIBGCC_SF_MANT_DIG__
#error __LIBGCC_SF_MANT_DIG__ not defined
#define __LIBGCC_SF_MANT_DIG__ 0
#ifndef __LIBGCC_DF_MANT_DIG__
#error __LIBGCC_DF_MANT_DIG__ not defined
#define __LIBGCC_DF_MANT_DIG__ 0
#ifndef __LIBGCC_XF_MANT_DIG__
#error __LIBGCC_XF_MANT_DIG__ not defined
#define __LIBGCC_XF_MANT_DIG__ 0
#ifndef __LIBGCC_TF_MANT_DIG__
#error __LIBGCC_TF_MANT_DIG__ not defined
#define __LIBGCC_TF_MANT_DIG__ 0
/* FIXME: This #ifdef probably should be removed, ie. enable the test
for mips too. */
/* Don't use IBM Extended Double TFmode for TI->SF calculations.
The conversion from long double to float suffers from double
rounding, because we convert via double. In other cases, going
through the software fp routines is much slower than the fallback. */
#ifdef __powerpc__
/* In the first part of this file, we are interfacing to calls generated
by the compiler itself. These calls pass values into these routines
which have very specific modes (rather than very specific types), and
these compiler-generated calls also expect any return values to have
very specific modes (rather than very specific types). Thus, we need
to avoid using regular C language type names in this part of the file
because the sizes for those types can be configured to be anything.
Instead we use the following special type names. */
typedef int QItype __attribute__ ((mode (QI)));
typedef unsigned int UQItype __attribute__ ((mode (QI)));
typedef int HItype __attribute__ ((mode (HI)));
typedef unsigned int UHItype __attribute__ ((mode (HI)));
/* These typedefs are usually forbidden on dsp's with UNITS_PER_WORD 1. */
typedef int SItype __attribute__ ((mode (SI)));
typedef unsigned int USItype __attribute__ ((mode (SI)));
#if __SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__ > 4
/* These typedefs are usually forbidden on archs with UNITS_PER_WORD 2. */
typedef int DItype __attribute__ ((mode (DI)));
typedef unsigned int UDItype __attribute__ ((mode (DI)));
/* These typedefs are usually forbidden on archs with UNITS_PER_WORD 4. */
typedef int TItype __attribute__ ((mode (TI)));
typedef unsigned int UTItype __attribute__ ((mode (TI)));
typedef float HFtype __attribute__ ((mode (HF)));
typedef _Complex float HCtype __attribute__ ((mode (HC)));
typedef float SFtype __attribute__ ((mode (SF)));
typedef _Complex float SCtype __attribute__ ((mode (SC)));
typedef float DFtype __attribute__ ((mode (DF)));
typedef _Complex float DCtype __attribute__ ((mode (DC)));
typedef float XFtype __attribute__ ((mode (XF)));
typedef _Complex float XCtype __attribute__ ((mode (XC)));
typedef float TFtype __attribute__ ((mode (TF)));
typedef _Complex float TCtype __attribute__ ((mode (TC)));
typedef int cmp_return_type __attribute__((mode (__libgcc_cmp_return__)));
typedef int shift_count_type __attribute__((mode (__libgcc_shift_count__)));
/* Make sure that we don't accidentally use any normal C language built-in
type names in the first part of this file. Instead we want to use *only*
the type names defined above. The following macro definitions insure
that if we *do* accidentally use some normal C language built-in type name,
we will get a syntax error. */
#define char bogus_type
#define short bogus_type
#define int bogus_type
#define long bogus_type
#define unsigned bogus_type
#define float bogus_type
#define double bogus_type
/* Versions prior to 3.4.4 were not taking into account the word size for
the 5 trapping arithmetic functions absv, addv, subv, mulv and negv. As
a consequence, the si and di variants were always and the only ones emitted.
To maintain backward compatibility, COMPAT_SIMODE_TRAPPING_ARITHMETIC is
defined on platforms where it makes sense to still have the si variants
emitted. As a bonus, their implementation is now correct. Note that the
same mechanism should have been implemented for the di variants, but it
turns out that no platform would define COMPAT_DIMODE_TRAPPING_ARITHMETIC
if it existed. */
#define W_TYPE_SIZE (8 * __CHAR_BIT__)
#define Wtype DItype
#define UWtype UDItype
#define HWtype DItype
#define UHWtype UDItype
#define DWtype TItype
#define UDWtype UTItype
#define __NW(a,b) __gnu_ ## a ## di ## b
#define __NDW(a,b) __gnu_ ## a ## ti ## b
#define __NW(a,b) __ ## a ## di ## b
#define __NDW(a,b) __ ## a ## ti ## b
#define W_TYPE_SIZE (4 * __CHAR_BIT__)
#define Wtype SItype
#define UWtype USItype
#define HWtype SItype
#define UHWtype USItype
#define DWtype DItype
#define UDWtype UDItype
#define __NW(a,b) __gnu_ ## a ## si ## b
#define __NDW(a,b) __gnu_ ## a ## di ## b
#define __NW(a,b) __ ## a ## si ## b
#define __NDW(a,b) __ ## a ## di ## b
#define W_TYPE_SIZE (2 * __CHAR_BIT__)
#define Wtype HItype
#define UWtype UHItype
#define HWtype HItype
#define UHWtype UHItype
#define DWtype SItype
#define UDWtype USItype
#define __NW(a,b) __gnu_ ## a ## hi ## b
#define __NDW(a,b) __gnu_ ## a ## si ## b
#define __NW(a,b) __ ## a ## hi ## b
#define __NDW(a,b) __ ## a ## si ## b
#define W_TYPE_SIZE __CHAR_BIT__
#define Wtype QItype
#define UWtype UQItype
#define HWtype QItype
#define UHWtype UQItype
#define DWtype HItype
#define UDWtype UHItype
#define __NW(a,b) __gnu_ ## a ## qi ## b
#define __NDW(a,b) __gnu_ ## a ## hi ## b
#define __NW(a,b) __ ## a ## qi ## b
#define __NDW(a,b) __ ## a ## hi ## b
#define __N(a) __gnu_ ## a
#define __N(a) __ ## a
#define Wtype_MAX ((Wtype)(((UWtype)1 << (W_TYPE_SIZE - 1)) - 1))
#define Wtype_MIN (- Wtype_MAX - 1)
#if W_TYPE_SIZE == 8
# define Wtype_MAXp1_F 0x1p8f
#elif W_TYPE_SIZE == 16
# define Wtype_MAXp1_F 0x1p16f
#elif W_TYPE_SIZE == 32
# define Wtype_MAXp1_F 0x1p32f
#elif W_TYPE_SIZE == 64
# define Wtype_MAXp1_F 0x1p64f
# error "expand the table"
#define __muldi3 __NDW(mul,3)
#define __divdi3 __NDW(div,3)
#define __udivdi3 __NDW(udiv,3)
#define __moddi3 __NDW(mod,3)
#define __umoddi3 __NDW(umod,3)
#define __negdi2 __NDW(neg,2)
#define __lshrdi3 __NDW(lshr,3)
#define __ashldi3 __NDW(ashl,3)
#define __ashrdi3 __NDW(ashr,3)
#define __cmpdi2 __NDW(cmp,2)
#define __ucmpdi2 __NDW(ucmp,2)
#define __divmoddi4 __NDW(divmod,4)
#define __udivmoddi4 __NDW(udivmod,4)
#define __fixunstfDI __NDW(fixunstf,)
#define __fixtfdi __NDW(fixtf,)
#define __fixunsxfDI __NDW(fixunsxf,)
#define __fixxfdi __NDW(fixxf,)
#define __fixunsdfDI __NDW(fixunsdf,)
#define __fixdfdi __NDW(fixdf,)
#define __fixunssfDI __NDW(fixunssf,)
#define __fixsfdi __NDW(fixsf,)
#define __floatdixf __NDW(float,xf)
#define __floatditf __NDW(float,tf)
#define __floatdidf __NDW(float,df)
#define __floatdisf __NDW(float,sf)
#define __floatundixf __NDW(floatun,xf)
#define __floatunditf __NDW(floatun,tf)
#define __floatundidf __NDW(floatun,df)
#define __floatundisf __NDW(floatun,sf)
#define __fixunsxfSI __NW(fixunsxf,)
#define __fixunstfSI __NW(fixunstf,)
#define __fixunsdfSI __NW(fixunsdf,)
#define __fixunssfSI __NW(fixunssf,)
#define __absvSI2 __NW(absv,2)
#define __addvSI3 __NW(addv,3)
#define __subvSI3 __NW(subv,3)
#define __mulvSI3 __NW(mulv,3)
#define __negvSI2 __NW(negv,2)
#define __absvDI2 __NDW(absv,2)
#define __addvDI3 __NDW(addv,3)
#define __subvDI3 __NDW(subv,3)
#define __mulvDI3 __NDW(mulv,3)
#define __negvDI2 __NDW(negv,2)
#define __ffsSI2 __NW(ffs,2)
#define __clzSI2 __NW(clz,2)
#define __ctzSI2 __NW(ctz,2)
#define __clrsbSI2 __NW(clrsb,2)
#define __popcountSI2 __NW(popcount,2)
#define __paritySI2 __NW(parity,2)
#define __ffsDI2 __NDW(ffs,2)
#define __clzDI2 __NDW(clz,2)
#define __ctzDI2 __NDW(ctz,2)
#define __clrsbDI2 __NDW(clrsb,2)
#define __popcountDI2 __NDW(popcount,2)
#define __parityDI2 __NDW(parity,2)
#define __clz_tab __N(clz_tab)
#define __bswapsi2 __N(bswapsi2)
#define __bswapdi2 __N(bswapdi2)
#define __udiv_w_sdiv __N(udiv_w_sdiv)
#define __clear_cache __N(clear_cache)
#define __enable_execute_stack __N(enable_execute_stack)
#ifndef __powisf2
#define __powisf2 __N(powisf2)
#ifndef __powidf2
#define __powidf2 __N(powidf2)
#ifndef __powitf2
#define __powitf2 __N(powitf2)
#ifndef __powixf2
#define __powixf2 __N(powixf2)
#ifndef __mulsc3
#define __mulsc3 __N(mulsc3)
#ifndef __muldc3
#define __muldc3 __N(muldc3)
#ifndef __mulxc3
#define __mulxc3 __N(mulxc3)
#ifndef __multc3
#define __multc3 __N(multc3)
#ifndef __divsc3
#define __divsc3 __N(divsc3)
#ifndef __divdc3
#define __divdc3 __N(divdc3)
#ifndef __divxc3
#define __divxc3 __N(divxc3)
#ifndef __divtc3
#define __divtc3 __N(divtc3)
extern DWtype __muldi3 (DWtype, DWtype);
extern DWtype __divdi3 (DWtype, DWtype);
extern UDWtype __udivdi3 (UDWtype, UDWtype);
extern UDWtype __umoddi3 (UDWtype, UDWtype);
extern DWtype __moddi3 (DWtype, DWtype);
extern DWtype __divmoddi4 (DWtype, DWtype, DWtype *);
/* __udivmoddi4 is static inline when building other libgcc2 portions. */
#if (!defined (L_udivdi3) && !defined (L_divdi3) && \
!defined (L_umoddi3) && !defined (L_moddi3) && \
!defined (L_divmoddi4))
extern UDWtype __udivmoddi4 (UDWtype, UDWtype, UDWtype *);
/* __negdi2 is static inline when building other libgcc2 portions. */
#if !defined(L_divdi3) && !defined(L_moddi3)
extern DWtype __negdi2 (DWtype);
extern DWtype __lshrdi3 (DWtype, shift_count_type);
extern DWtype __ashldi3 (DWtype, shift_count_type);
extern DWtype __ashrdi3 (DWtype, shift_count_type);
/* __udiv_w_sdiv is static inline when building other libgcc2 portions. */
#if (!defined(L_udivdi3) && !defined(L_divdi3) && \
!defined(L_umoddi3) && !defined(L_moddi3))
extern UWtype __udiv_w_sdiv (UWtype *, UWtype, UWtype, UWtype);
extern cmp_return_type __cmpdi2 (DWtype, DWtype);
extern cmp_return_type __ucmpdi2 (UDWtype, UDWtype);
extern SItype __bswapsi2 (SItype);
#if __SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__ > 4
extern DItype __bswapdi2 (DItype);
extern Wtype __absvSI2 (Wtype);
extern Wtype __addvSI3 (Wtype, Wtype);
extern Wtype __subvSI3 (Wtype, Wtype);
extern Wtype __mulvSI3 (Wtype, Wtype);
extern Wtype __negvSI2 (Wtype);
extern DWtype __absvDI2 (DWtype);
extern DWtype __addvDI3 (DWtype, DWtype);
extern DWtype __subvDI3 (DWtype, DWtype);
extern DWtype __mulvDI3 (DWtype, DWtype);
extern DWtype __negvDI2 (DWtype);
#define __absvsi2 __N(absvsi2)
#define __negvsi2 __N(negvsi2)
#define __addvsi3 __N(addvsi3)
#define __subvsi3 __N(subvsi3)
#define __mulvsi3 __N(mulvsi3)
extern SItype __absvsi2 (SItype);
extern SItype __addvsi3 (SItype, SItype);
extern SItype __subvsi3 (SItype, SItype);
extern SItype __mulvsi3 (SItype, SItype);
extern SItype __negvsi2 (SItype);
#undef int
extern HCtype __divhc3 (HFtype, HFtype, HFtype, HFtype);
extern HCtype __mulhc3 (HFtype, HFtype, HFtype, HFtype);
extern DWtype __fixsfdi (SFtype);
extern SFtype __floatdisf (DWtype);
extern SFtype __floatundisf (UDWtype);
extern UWtype __fixunssfSI (SFtype);
extern UDWtype __fixunssfDI (SFtype);
extern SFtype __powisf2 (SFtype, int);
extern SCtype __divsc3 (SFtype, SFtype, SFtype, SFtype);
extern SCtype __mulsc3 (SFtype, SFtype, SFtype, SFtype);
extern DWtype __fixdfdi (DFtype);
extern DFtype __floatdidf (DWtype);
extern DFtype __floatundidf (UDWtype);
extern UWtype __fixunsdfSI (DFtype);
extern UDWtype __fixunsdfDI (DFtype);
extern DFtype __powidf2 (DFtype, int);
extern DCtype __divdc3 (DFtype, DFtype, DFtype, DFtype);
extern DCtype __muldc3 (DFtype, DFtype, DFtype, DFtype);
extern DWtype __fixxfdi (XFtype);
extern UDWtype __fixunsxfDI (XFtype);
extern XFtype __floatdixf (DWtype);
extern XFtype __floatundixf (UDWtype);
extern UWtype __fixunsxfSI (XFtype);
extern XFtype __powixf2 (XFtype, int);
extern XCtype __divxc3 (XFtype, XFtype, XFtype, XFtype);
extern XCtype __mulxc3 (XFtype, XFtype, XFtype, XFtype);
extern UDWtype __fixunstfDI (TFtype);
extern DWtype __fixtfdi (TFtype);
extern TFtype __floatditf (DWtype);
extern TFtype __floatunditf (UDWtype);
extern TFtype __powitf2 (TFtype, int);
extern TCtype __divtc3 (TFtype, TFtype, TFtype, TFtype);
extern TCtype __multc3 (TFtype, TFtype, TFtype, TFtype);
#define int bogus_type
/* DWstructs are pairs of Wtype values in the order determined by
__BYTE_ORDER__. */
struct DWstruct {Wtype high, low;};
struct DWstruct {Wtype low, high;};
/* We need this union to unpack/pack DImode values, since we don't have
any arithmetic yet. Incoming DImode parameters are stored into the
`ll' field, and the unpacked result is read from the struct `s'. */
typedef union
struct DWstruct s;
DWtype ll;
} DWunion;
/* Defined for L_popcount_tab. Exported here because some targets may
want to use it for their own versions of the __popcount builtins. */
extern const UQItype __popcount_tab[256];
/* Defined for L_clz. Exported here because some targets may want to use
it for their own versions of the __clz builtins. It contains the bit
position of the first set bit for the numbers 0 - 255. This avoids the
need for a separate table for the __ctz builtins. */
extern const UQItype __clz_tab[256];
#include "longlong.h"
#undef int
extern int __clzDI2 (UDWtype);
extern int __clzSI2 (UWtype);
extern int __ctzSI2 (UWtype);
extern int __ctzDI2 (UDWtype);
extern int __clrsbSI2 (Wtype);
extern int __clrsbDI2 (DWtype);
extern int __ffsSI2 (UWtype);
extern int __ffsDI2 (DWtype);
extern int __popcountSI2 (UWtype);
extern int __popcountDI2 (UDWtype);
extern int __paritySI2 (UWtype);
extern int __parityDI2 (UDWtype);
#define int bogus_type
extern void __enable_execute_stack (void *);
#pragma GCC visibility pop
#endif /* ! GCC_LIBGCC2_H */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
/* Integer multiplication routines for RISC-V.
Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GCC.
GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
#include "riscv-asm.h"
.align 2
#if __riscv_xlen == 32
/* Our RV64 64-bit routine is equivalent to our RV32 32-bit routine. */
# define __muldi3 __mulsi3
FUNC_BEGIN (__muldi3)
mv a2, a0
li a0, 0
andi a3, a1, 1
beqz a3, .L2
add a0, a0, a2
srli a1, a1, 1
slli a2, a2, 1
bnez a1, .L1
FUNC_END (__muldi3)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
/* Multiplication two double word integers for RISC-V.
Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GCC.
GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
//#include "tconfig.h"
//#include "tsystem.h"
//#include "coretypes.h"
//#include "tm.h"
//#include "libgcc_tm.h"
#define LIBGCC2_UNITS_PER_WORD (__riscv_xlen / 8)
#include "libgcc2.h"
#if __riscv_xlen == 32
/* Our RV64 64-bit routines are equivalent to our RV32 32-bit routines. */
# define __multi3 __muldi3
__multi3 (DWtype u, DWtype v)
const DWunion uu = {.ll = u};
const DWunion vv = {.ll = v};
DWunion w;
UWtype u_low = uu.s.low;
UWtype v_low = vv.s.low;
UWtype u_low_msb;
UWtype w_low = 0;
UWtype new_w_low;
UWtype w_high = 0;
UWtype w_high_tmp = 0;
UWtype w_high_tmp2x;
UWtype carry;
/* Calculate low half part of u and v, and get a UDWtype result just like
what __umulsidi3 do. */
new_w_low = w_low + u_low;
w_high_tmp2x = w_high_tmp << 1;
w_high_tmp += w_high;
if (v_low & 1)
carry = new_w_low < w_low;
w_low = new_w_low;
w_high = carry + w_high_tmp;
u_low_msb = (u_low >> ((sizeof (UWtype) * 8) - 1));
v_low >>= 1;
u_low <<= 1;
w_high_tmp = u_low_msb | w_high_tmp2x;
while (v_low);
w.s.low = w_low;
w.s.high = w_high;
if (uu.s.high)
w.s.high = w.s.high + __muluw3(vv.s.low, uu.s.high);
if (vv.s.high)
w.s.high += __muluw3(uu.s.low, vv.s.high);
return w.ll;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
later version.
This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
#define FUNC_TYPE(X) .type X,@function
#define FUNC_SIZE(X) .size X,.-X
#define FUNC_BEGIN(X) \
.globl X; \
#define FUNC_END(X) \
#define FUNC_ALIAS(X,Y) \
.globl X; \
X = Y
#define CONCAT1(a, b) CONCAT2(a, b)
#define CONCAT2(a, b) a ## b
#define HIDDEN_JUMPTARGET(X) CONCAT1(__hidden_, X)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#include <klib-macros.h>
#include <am.h>
double __muldf3 (double a, double b) { panic("Not implement"); }
long __fixdfdi (double a) { panic("Not implement"); }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#include <am.h>
bool mpe_init(void (*entry)()) {
return false;
int cpu_count() {
return 1;
int cpu_current() {
return 0;
int atomic_xchg(int *addr, int newval) {
return 0;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
.section entry, "ax"
.globl _start
.type _start, @function
mv s0, zero
la sp, _stack_pointer
jal _trm_init

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#include <am.h>
void __am_timer_init() {
void __am_timer_uptime(AM_TIMER_UPTIME_T *uptime) {
uptime->us = 0;
void __am_timer_rtc(AM_TIMER_RTC_T *rtc) {
rtc->second = 0;
rtc->minute = 0;
rtc->hour = 0;
rtc->day = 0;
rtc->month = 0;
rtc->year = 1900;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#define concat_temp(x, y) x ## y
#define concat(x, y) concat_temp(x, y)
#define MAP(c, f) c(f)
#if __riscv_xlen == 32
#define LOAD lw
#define STORE sw
#define XLEN 4
#define LOAD ld
#define STORE sd
#define XLEN 8
#define REGS_LO16(f) \
f( 1) f( 3) f( 4) f( 5) f( 6) f( 7) f( 8) f( 9) \
f(10) f(11) f(12) f(13) f(14) f(15)
#ifndef __riscv_e
#define REGS_HI16(f) \
f(16) f(17) f(18) f(19) \
f(20) f(21) f(22) f(23) f(24) f(25) f(26) f(27) f(28) f(29) \
f(30) f(31)
#define NR_REGS 32
#define REGS_HI16(f)
#define NR_REGS 16
#define REGS(f) REGS_LO16(f) REGS_HI16(f)
#define PUSH(n) STORE concat(x, n), (n * XLEN)(sp);
#define POP(n) LOAD concat(x, n), (n * XLEN)(sp);
#define CONTEXT_SIZE ((NR_REGS + 3 + 1) * XLEN)
#define OFFSET_SP ( 2 * XLEN)
#define OFFSET_CAUSE ((NR_REGS + 0) * XLEN)
#define OFFSET_STATUS ((NR_REGS + 1) * XLEN)
#define OFFSET_EPC ((NR_REGS + 2) * XLEN)
.align 3
.globl __am_asm_trap
addi sp, sp, -CONTEXT_SIZE
csrr t0, mcause
csrr t1, mstatus
csrr t2, mepc
mv a0, sp
jal __am_irq_handle
csrw mstatus, t1
csrw mepc, t2
addi sp, sp, CONTEXT_SIZE

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <klib-macros.h>
extern char _heap_start;
int main(const char *args);
extern char _pmem_start;
#define PMEM_SIZE (128 * 1024 * 1024)
#define PMEM_END ((uintptr_t)&_pmem_start + PMEM_SIZE)
Area heap = RANGE(&_heap_start, PMEM_END);
#ifndef MAINARGS
#define MAINARGS ""
static const char mainargs[] = MAINARGS;
void putch(char ch) {
void halt(int code) {
while (1);
void _trm_init() {
int ret = main(mainargs);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#include <am.h>
bool vme_init(void* (*pgalloc_f)(int), void (*pgfree_f)(void*)) {
return false;
void protect(AddrSpace *as) {
void unprotect(AddrSpace *as) {
void map(AddrSpace *as, void *va, void *pa, int prot) {
Context *ucontext(AddrSpace *as, Area kstack, void *entry) {
return NULL;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#ifndef RISCV_H__
#define RISCV_H__
#include <stdint.h>
static inline uint8_t inb(uintptr_t addr) { return *(volatile uint8_t *)addr; }
static inline uint16_t inw(uintptr_t addr) { return *(volatile uint16_t *)addr; }
static inline uint32_t inl(uintptr_t addr) { return *(volatile uint32_t *)addr; }
static inline void outb(uintptr_t addr, uint8_t data) { *(volatile uint8_t *)addr = data; }
static inline void outw(uintptr_t addr, uint16_t data) { *(volatile uint16_t *)addr = data; }
static inline void outl(uintptr_t addr, uint32_t data) { *(volatile uint32_t *)addr = data; }
#define PTE_V 0x01
#define PTE_R 0x02
#define PTE_W 0x04
#define PTE_X 0x08
#define PTE_U 0x10
#define PTE_A 0x40
#define PTE_D 0x80
enum { MODE_U, MODE_S, MODE_M = 3 };
#define MSTATUS_MXR (1 << 19)
#define MSTATUS_SUM (1 << 18)
#if __riscv_xlen == 64
#define MSTATUS_SXL (2ull << 34)
#define MSTATUS_UXL (2ull << 32)
#define MSTATUS_SXL 0
#define MSTATUS_UXL 0

View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
//#include "config.h"
//#include "encoding.h"
// Currently, interrupts are always disabled in M-mode.
#define disable_irqsave() (0)
#define enable_irqrestore(flags) ((void) (flags))
typedef struct { int lock; } spinlock_t;
#define SPINLOCK_INIT {0}
#define mb() asm volatile ("fence" ::: "memory")
#define atomic_set(ptr, val) (*(volatile typeof(*(ptr)) *)(ptr) = val)
#define atomic_read(ptr) (*(volatile typeof(*(ptr)) *)(ptr))
#ifdef __riscv_atomic
# define atomic_add(ptr, inc) __sync_fetch_and_add(ptr, inc)
# define atomic_or(ptr, inc) __sync_fetch_and_or(ptr, inc)
# define atomic_swap(ptr, swp) __sync_lock_test_and_set(ptr, swp)
# define atomic_cas(ptr, cmp, swp) __sync_val_compare_and_swap(ptr, cmp, swp)
# define atomic_binop(ptr, inc, op) ({ \
long flags = disable_irqsave(); \
typeof(*(ptr)) res = atomic_read(ptr); \
atomic_set(ptr, op); \
enable_irqrestore(flags); \
res; })
# define atomic_add(ptr, inc) atomic_binop(ptr, inc, res + (inc))
# define atomic_or(ptr, inc) atomic_binop(ptr, inc, res | (inc))
# define atomic_swap(ptr, inc) atomic_binop(ptr, inc, (inc))
# define atomic_cas(ptr, cmp, swp) ({ \
long flags = disable_irqsave(); \
typeof(*(ptr)) res = *(volatile typeof(*(ptr)) *)(ptr); \
if (res == (cmp)) *(volatile typeof(ptr))(ptr) = (swp); \
enable_irqrestore(flags); \
res; })
static inline int spinlock_trylock(spinlock_t* lock)
int res = atomic_swap(&lock->lock, -1);
return res;
static inline void spinlock_lock(spinlock_t* lock)
while (atomic_read(&lock->lock))
} while (spinlock_trylock(lock));
static inline void spinlock_unlock(spinlock_t* lock)
static inline long spinlock_lock_irqsave(spinlock_t* lock)
long flags = disable_irqsave();
return flags;
static inline void spinlock_unlock_irqrestore(spinlock_t* lock, long flags)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
#include "htif.h"
#include "atomic.h"
#include <klib.h>
extern uint64_t __htif_base;
volatile uint64_t tohost __attribute__((section(".htif")));
volatile uint64_t fromhost __attribute__((section(".htif")));
volatile int htif_console_buf;
static spinlock_t htif_lock = SPINLOCK_INIT;
#define TOHOST(base_int) (uint64_t *)(base_int + TOHOST_OFFSET)
#define FROMHOST(base_int) (uint64_t *)(base_int + FROMHOST_OFFSET)
#define TOHOST_OFFSET ((uintptr_t)tohost - (uintptr_t)__htif_base)
#define FROMHOST_OFFSET ((uintptr_t)fromhost - (uintptr_t)__htif_base)
static void __check_fromhost()
uint64_t fh = fromhost;
if (!fh)
fromhost = 0;
// this should be from the console
assert(FROMHOST_DEV(fh) == 1);
switch (FROMHOST_CMD(fh)) {
case 0:
htif_console_buf = 1 + (uint8_t)FROMHOST_DATA(fh);
case 1:
static void __set_tohost(uintptr_t dev, uintptr_t cmd, uintptr_t data)
while (tohost)
tohost = TOHOST_CMD(dev, cmd, data);
int htif_console_getchar()
#if __riscv_xlen == 32
// HTIF devices are not supported on RV32
return -1;
int ch = htif_console_buf;
if (ch >= 0) {
htif_console_buf = -1;
__set_tohost(1, 0, 0);
return ch - 1;
static void do_tohost_fromhost(uintptr_t dev, uintptr_t cmd, uintptr_t data)
__set_tohost(dev, cmd, data);
while (1) {
uint64_t fh = fromhost;
if (fh) {
if (FROMHOST_DEV(fh) == dev && FROMHOST_CMD(fh) == cmd) {
fromhost = 0;
void htif_syscall(uintptr_t arg)
do_tohost_fromhost(0, 0, arg);
void htif_console_putchar(uint8_t ch)
#if __riscv_xlen == 32
// HTIF devices are not supported on RV32, so proxy a write system call
volatile uint64_t magic_mem[8];
magic_mem[0] = SYS_write;
magic_mem[1] = 1;
magic_mem[2] = (uintptr_t)&ch;
magic_mem[3] = 1;
do_tohost_fromhost(0, 0, (uintptr_t)magic_mem);
__set_tohost(1, 1, ch);
void htif_poweroff()
while (1) {
fromhost = 0;
tohost = 1;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
#ifndef _RISCV_HTIF_H
#define _RISCV_HTIF_H
#include <stdint.h>
#if __riscv_xlen == 64
# define TOHOST_CMD(dev, cmd, payload) \
(((uint64_t)(dev) << 56) | ((uint64_t)(cmd) << 48) | (uint64_t)(payload))
# define TOHOST_CMD(dev, cmd, payload) ({ \
if ((dev) || (cmd)) __builtin_trap(); \
(payload); })
#define FROMHOST_DEV(fromhost_value) ((uint64_t)(fromhost_value) >> 56)
#define FROMHOST_CMD(fromhost_value) ((uint64_t)(fromhost_value) << 8 >> 56)
#define FROMHOST_DATA(fromhost_value) ((uint64_t)(fromhost_value) << 16 >> 16)
void htif_console_putchar(uint8_t);
int htif_console_getchar();
void htif_poweroff() __attribute__((noreturn));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <klib-macros.h>
void __am_timer_init();
void __am_timer_rtc(AM_TIMER_RTC_T *);
void __am_timer_uptime(AM_TIMER_UPTIME_T *);
static void __am_timer_config(AM_TIMER_CONFIG_T *cfg) { cfg->present = true; cfg->has_rtc = true; }
typedef void (*handler_t)(void *buf);
static void *lut[128] = {
[AM_TIMER_CONFIG] = __am_timer_config,
[AM_TIMER_RTC ] = __am_timer_rtc,
[AM_TIMER_UPTIME] = __am_timer_uptime,
static void fail(void *buf) { panic("access nonexist register"); }
bool ioe_init() {
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH(lut); i++)
if (!lut[i]) lut[i] = fail;
return true;
void ioe_read (int reg, void *buf) { ((handler_t)lut[reg])(buf); }
void ioe_write(int reg, void *buf) { ((handler_t)lut[reg])(buf); }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
. = 0x80000000;
.text : {
etext = .;
_etext = .;
.rodata : {
.htif : {
PROVIDE(__htif_base = . );
.data : {
edata = .;
_data = .;
.bss : {
_bss_start = .;
_stack_top = ALIGN(0x1000);
. = _stack_top + 0x8000;
_stack_pointer = .;
end = .;
_end = .;
_heap_start = ALIGN(0x1000);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
.section entry, "ax"
.globl _start
.type _start, @function
mv s0, zero
la sp, _stack_pointer
jal _trm_init

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#include <am.h>
static uint64_t boot_time = 0;
#define CLINT_MMIO 0x2000000ul
#define TIME_BASE 0xbff8
static uint64_t read_time() {
uint32_t lo = *(volatile uint32_t *)(CLINT_MMIO + TIME_BASE + 0);
uint32_t hi = *(volatile uint32_t *)(CLINT_MMIO + TIME_BASE + 4);
uint64_t time = ((uint64_t)hi << 32) | lo;
return time / 10;
void __am_timer_uptime(AM_TIMER_UPTIME_T *uptime) {
uptime->us = read_time() - boot_time;
void __am_timer_init() {
boot_time = read_time();
void __am_timer_rtc(AM_TIMER_RTC_T *rtc) {
rtc->second = 0;
rtc->minute = 0;
rtc->hour = 0;
rtc->day = 0;
rtc->month = 0;
rtc->year = 1900;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <klib.h>
#include <klib-macros.h>
#include "htif.h"
extern char _heap_start;
int main(const char *args);
extern char _pmem_start;
#define PMEM_SIZE (128 * 1024 * 1024)
#define PMEM_END ((uintptr_t)0x80000000 + PMEM_SIZE)
Area heap = RANGE(&_heap_start, PMEM_END);
#ifndef MAINARGS
#define MAINARGS ""
static const char mainargs[] = MAINARGS;
void putch(char ch) {
void halt(int code) {
printf("Exit with code = %d\n", code);
// should not reach here
while (1);
void _trm_init() {
int ret = main(mainargs);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <x86/x86.h>
#include <klib.h>
#define NR_IRQ 256 // IDT size
#define SEG_KCODE 1
#define SEG_KDATA 2
static Context* (*user_handler)(Event, Context*) = NULL;
void __am_irq0();
void __am_vecsys();
void __am_vectrap();
void __am_vecnull();
Context* __am_irq_handle(Context *c) {
if (user_handler) {
Event ev = {0};
switch (c->irq) {
default: ev.event = EVENT_ERROR; break;
c = user_handler(ev, c);
assert(c != NULL);
return c;
bool cte_init(Context*(*handler)(Event, Context*)) {
static GateDesc32 idt[NR_IRQ];
// initialize IDT
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NR_IRQ; i ++) {
idt[i] = GATE32(STS_TG, KSEL(SEG_KCODE), __am_vecnull, DPL_KERN);
// ----------------------- interrupts ----------------------------
idt[32] = GATE32(STS_IG, KSEL(SEG_KCODE), __am_irq0, DPL_KERN);
// ---------------------- system call ----------------------------
idt[0x80] = GATE32(STS_TG, KSEL(SEG_KCODE), __am_vecsys, DPL_USER);
idt[0x81] = GATE32(STS_TG, KSEL(SEG_KCODE), __am_vectrap, DPL_KERN);
set_idt(idt, sizeof(idt));
// register event handler
user_handler = handler;
return true;
Context* kcontext(Area kstack, void (*entry)(void *), void *arg) {
return NULL;
void yield() {
asm volatile("int $0x81");
bool ienabled() {
return false;
void iset(bool enable) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
.section entry, "ax"
.globl _start
.type _start, @function
mov $0, %ebp
mov $_stack_pointer, %esp
call _trm_init # never return

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#----|------------entry------------|---irq id---|-----handler-----|
.globl __am_vecsys; __am_vecsys: pushl $0x80; jmp __am_asm_trap
.globl __am_vectrap; __am_vectrap: pushl $0x81; jmp __am_asm_trap
.globl __am_irq0; __am_irq0: pushl $32; jmp __am_asm_trap
.globl __am_vecnull; __am_vecnull: pushl $-1; jmp __am_asm_trap
pushl $0
pushl %esp
call __am_irq_handle
addl $4, %esp
addl $4, %esp
addl $4, %esp

View file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#include <am.h>
#include <nemu.h>
#include <klib.h>
static AddrSpace kas = {};
static void* (*pgalloc_usr)(int) = NULL;
static void (*pgfree_usr)(void*) = NULL;
static int vme_enable = 0;
static Area segments[] = { // Kernel memory mappings
#define USER_SPACE RANGE(0x40000000, 0xc0000000)
bool vme_init(void* (*pgalloc_f)(int), void (*pgfree_f)(void*)) {
pgalloc_usr = pgalloc_f;
pgfree_usr = pgfree_f;
kas.ptr = pgalloc_f(PGSIZE);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(segments); i ++) {
void *va = segments[i].start;
for (; va < segments[i].end; va += PGSIZE) {
map(&kas, va, va, 0);
set_cr0(get_cr0() | CR0_PG);
vme_enable = 1;
return true;
void protect(AddrSpace *as) {
PTE *updir = (PTE*)(pgalloc_usr(PGSIZE));
as->ptr = updir;
as->area = USER_SPACE;
as->pgsize = PGSIZE;
// map kernel space
memcpy(updir, kas.ptr, PGSIZE);
void unprotect(AddrSpace *as) {
void __am_get_cur_as(Context *c) {
c->cr3 = (vme_enable ? (void *)get_cr3() : NULL);
void __am_switch(Context *c) {
if (vme_enable && c->cr3 != NULL) {
void map(AddrSpace *as, void *va, void *pa, int prot) {
Context* ucontext(AddrSpace *as, Area kstack, void *entry) {
return NULL;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
SRCS := start.S main.c
bootblock.o: $(SRCS) Makefile
@echo + CC $(SRCS)
@$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc -static -m32 -fno-pic -Os -nostdlib -Ttext 0x7c00 -I$(AM_HOME)/am/src -o bootblock.o $(SRCS)
@python3 genboot.py bootblock.o
rm -rf *.o

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import os, sys, pathlib, subprocess
f = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[1])
objcopy = os.getenv('CROSS_COMPILE', '') + 'objcopy'
data = subprocess.run(
[objcopy, '-S', '-O', 'binary', '-j', '.text', f, '/dev/stdout'],
assert len(data) <= 510
data += b'\0' * (510 - len(data)) + b'\x55\xaa'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include <x86/x86.h>
#define SECTSIZE 512
#define ARGSIZE 1024
static inline void wait_disk(void) {
while ((inb(0x1f7) & 0xc0) != 0x40);
static inline void read_disk(void *buf, int sect) {
outb(0x1f2, 1);
outb(0x1f3, sect);
outb(0x1f4, sect >> 8);
outb(0x1f5, sect >> 16);
outb(0x1f6, (sect >> 24) | 0xE0);
outb(0x1f7, 0x20);
for (int i = 0; i < SECTSIZE / 4; i ++) {
((uint32_t *)buf)[i] = inl(0x1f0);
static inline void copy_from_disk(void *buf, int nbytes, int disk_offset) {
uint32_t cur = (uint32_t)buf & ~(SECTSIZE - 1);
uint32_t ed = (uint32_t)buf + nbytes;
uint32_t sect = (disk_offset / SECTSIZE) + (ARGSIZE / SECTSIZE) + 1;
for(; cur < ed; cur += SECTSIZE, sect ++)
read_disk((void *)cur, sect);
static void load_program(uint32_t filesz, uint32_t memsz, uint32_t paddr, uint32_t offset) {
copy_from_disk((void *)paddr, filesz, offset);
char *bss = (void *)(paddr + filesz);
for (uint32_t i = filesz; i != memsz; i++) {
*bss++ = 0;
static void load_elf64(Elf64_Ehdr *elf) {
Elf64_Phdr *ph = (Elf64_Phdr *)((char *)elf + elf->e_phoff);
for (int i = 0; i < elf->e_phnum; i++, ph++) {
static void load_elf32(Elf32_Ehdr *elf) {
Elf32_Phdr *ph = (Elf32_Phdr *)((char *)elf + elf->e_phoff);
for (int i = 0; i < elf->e_phnum; i++, ph++) {
void load_kernel(void) {
Elf32_Ehdr *elf32 = (void *)0x8000;
Elf64_Ehdr *elf64 = (void *)0x8000;
int is_ap = boot_record()->is_ap;
if (!is_ap) {
// load argument (string) to memory
copy_from_disk((void *)MAINARG_ADDR, 1024, -1024);
// load elf header to memory
copy_from_disk(elf32, 4096, 0);
if (elf32->e_machine == EM_X86_64) {
} else {
} else {
// everything should be loaded
if (elf32->e_machine == EM_X86_64) {
} else {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#define CR0_PE 0x00000001
#define GDT_ENTRY(n) \
((n) << 3)
#define SEG_NULLASM \
.word 0, 0; \
.byte 0, 0, 0, 0
#define SEG_ASM(type, base, lim) \
.word (((lim) >> 12) & 0xffff), ((base) & 0xffff); \
.byte (((base) >> 16) & 0xff), (0x90 | (type)), \
(0xC0 | (((lim) >> 28) & 0xf)), (((base) >> 24) & 0xff)
.globl _start
xorw %ax, %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %es
movw %ax, %ss
# Set a 640 x 480 x 32 video mode
mov $0x4f01, %ax
mov $0x0112, %cx
mov $0x4000, %di
int $0x10
mov $0x4f02, %ax
mov $0x4112, %bx
int $0x10
lgdt gdtdesc
movl %cr0, %eax
orl $CR0_PE, %eax
movl %eax, %cr0
ljmp $GDT_ENTRY(1), $start32
movw $GDT_ENTRY(2), %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %es
movw %ax, %ss
movl $0xa000, %esp
call load_kernel
.p2align 2
SEG_ASM(0xA, 0x0, 0xffffffff)
SEG_ASM(0x2, 0x0, 0xffffffff)
.word (gdtdesc - gdt - 1)
.long gdt

View file

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
#include "x86-qemu.h"
static Context* (*user_handler)(Event, Context*) = NULL;
#if __x86_64__
static GateDesc64 idt[NR_IRQ];
#define GATE GATE64
static GateDesc32 idt[NR_IRQ];
#define GATE GATE32
#define IRQHANDLE_DECL(id, dpl, err) \
void __am_irq##id();
void __am_irqall();
void __am_kcontext_start();
void __am_irq_handle(struct trap_frame *tf) {
Context *saved_ctx = &tf->saved_context;
Event ev = {
.event = EVENT_NULL,
.cause = 0, .ref = 0,
.msg = "(no message)",
#if __x86_64
saved_ctx->rip = tf->rip;
saved_ctx->cs = tf->cs;
saved_ctx->rflags = tf->rflags;
saved_ctx->rsp = tf->rsp;
saved_ctx->rsp0 = CPU->tss.rsp0;
saved_ctx->ss = tf->ss;
saved_ctx->eip = tf->eip;
saved_ctx->cs = tf->cs;
saved_ctx->eflags = tf->eflags;
saved_ctx->esp0 = CPU->tss.esp0;
saved_ctx->ss3 = USEL(SEG_UDATA);
// no ss/esp saved for DPL_KERNEL
saved_ctx->esp = (tf->cs & DPL_USER ? tf->esp : (uint32_t)(tf + 1) - 8);
saved_ctx->cr3 = (void *)get_cr3();
#define IRQ T_IRQ0 +
#define MSG(m) ev.msg = m;
if (IRQ 0 <= tf->irq && tf->irq < IRQ 32) {
switch (tf->irq) {
case IRQ 0: MSG("timer interrupt (lapic)")
ev.event = EVENT_IRQ_TIMER; break;
case IRQ 1: MSG("I/O device IRQ1 (keyboard)")
ev.event = EVENT_IRQ_IODEV; break;
case IRQ 4: MSG("I/O device IRQ4 (COM1)")
ev.event = EVENT_IRQ_IODEV; break;
case EX_SYSCALL: MSG("int $0x80 system call")
ev.event = EVENT_SYSCALL; break;
case EX_YIELD: MSG("int $0x81 yield")
ev.event = EVENT_YIELD; break;
case EX_DE: MSG("DE #0 divide by zero")
ev.event = EVENT_ERROR; break;
case EX_UD: MSG("UD #6 invalid opcode")
ev.event = EVENT_ERROR; break;
case EX_NM: MSG("NM #7 coprocessor error")
ev.event = EVENT_ERROR; break;
case EX_DF: MSG("DF #8 double fault")
ev.event = EVENT_ERROR; break;
case EX_TS: MSG("TS #10 invalid TSS")
ev.event = EVENT_ERROR; break;
case EX_NP: MSG("NP #11 segment/gate not present")
ev.event = EVENT_ERROR; break;
case EX_SS: MSG("SS #12 stack fault")
ev.event = EVENT_ERROR; break;
case EX_GP: MSG("GP #13, general protection fault")
ev.event = EVENT_ERROR; break;
case EX_PF: MSG("PF #14, page fault, @cause: PROT_XXX")
if (tf->errcode & 0x1) ev.cause |= MMAP_NONE;
if (tf->errcode & 0x2) ev.cause |= MMAP_WRITE;
else ev.cause |= MMAP_READ;
ev.ref = get_cr2();
default: MSG("unrecognized interrupt/exception")
ev.event = EVENT_ERROR;
ev.cause = tf->errcode;
Context *ret_ctx = user_handler(ev, saved_ctx);
panic_on(!ret_ctx, "returning to NULL context");
if (ret_ctx->cr3) {
#if __x86_64__
CPU->tss.rsp0 = ret_ctx->rsp0;
CPU->tss.ss0 = KSEL(SEG_KDATA);
CPU->tss.esp0 = ret_ctx->esp0;
bool cte_init(Context *(*handler)(Event, Context *)) {
panic_on(cpu_current() != 0, "init CTE in non-bootstrap CPU");
panic_on(!handler, "no interrupt handler");
for (int i = 0; i < NR_IRQ; i ++) {
idt[i] = GATE(STS_TG, KSEL(SEG_KCODE), __am_irqall, DPL_KERN);
#define IDT_ENTRY(id, dpl, err) \
idt[id] = GATE(STS_TG, KSEL(SEG_KCODE), __am_irq##id, DPL_##dpl);
user_handler = handler;
return true;
void yield() {
bool ienabled() {
return (get_efl() & FL_IF) != 0;
void iset(bool enable) {
if (enable) sti();
else cli();
void __am_panic_on_return() { panic("kernel context returns"); }
Context* kcontext(Area kstack, void (*entry)(void *), void *arg) {
Context *ctx = kstack.end - sizeof(Context);
*ctx = (Context) { 0 };
#if __x86_64__
ctx->cs = KSEL(SEG_KCODE);
ctx->rip = (uintptr_t)__am_kcontext_start;
ctx->rflags = FL_IF;
ctx->rsp = (uintptr_t)kstack.end;
ctx->ds = KSEL(SEG_KDATA);
ctx->cs = KSEL(SEG_KCODE);
ctx->eip = (uintptr_t)__am_kcontext_start;
ctx->eflags = FL_IF;
ctx->esp = (uintptr_t)kstack.end;
ctx->GPR1 = (uintptr_t)arg;
ctx->GPR2 = (uintptr_t)entry;
return ctx;
void __am_percpu_initirq() {
__am_ioapic_enable(IRQ_KBD, 0);
__am_ioapic_enable(IRQ_COM1, 0);
set_idt(idt, sizeof(idt));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
#include "x86-qemu.h"
#include <klib.h> // TODO: delete
// ====================================================
#define COM1 0x3f8
static int uart_init() {
outb(COM1 + 2, 0);
outb(COM1 + 3, 0x80);
outb(COM1 + 0, 115200 / 9600);
outb(COM1 + 1, 0);
outb(COM1 + 3, 0x03);
outb(COM1 + 4, 0);
outb(COM1 + 1, 0x01);
inb (COM1 + 2);
inb (COM1 + 0);
return 0;
static void uart_config(AM_UART_CONFIG_T *cfg) {
cfg->present = true;
static void uart_tx(AM_UART_TX_T *send) {
outb(COM1, send->data);
static void uart_rx(AM_UART_RX_T *recv) {
recv->data = (inb(COM1 + 5) & 0x1) ? inb(COM1) : -1;
// Timer
// ====================================================
static AM_TIMER_RTC_T boot_date;
static uint32_t freq_mhz = 2000;
static uint64_t uptsc;
static void timer_rtc(AM_TIMER_RTC_T *rtc);
static inline int read_rtc(int reg) {
outb(0x70, reg);
int ret = inb(0x71);
return (ret & 0xf) + (ret >> 4) * 10;
static void read_rtc_async(AM_TIMER_RTC_T *rtc) {
*rtc = (AM_TIMER_RTC_T) {
.second = read_rtc(0),
.minute = read_rtc(2),
.hour = read_rtc(4),
.day = read_rtc(7),
.month = read_rtc(8),
.year = read_rtc(9) + 2000,
static void wait_sec(AM_TIMER_RTC_T *t1) {
while (1) {
for (int volatile i = 0; i < 100000; i++) ;
if (t0.second != t1->second) {
static uint32_t estimate_freq() {
AM_TIMER_RTC_T rtc1, rtc2;
uint64_t tsc1, tsc2, t1, t2;
wait_sec(&rtc1); tsc1 = rdtsc(); t1 = rtc1.minute * 60 + rtc1.second;
wait_sec(&rtc2); tsc2 = rdtsc(); t2 = rtc2.minute * 60 + rtc2.second;
if (t1 >= t2) return estimate_freq(); // passed an hour; try again
return ((tsc2 - tsc1) >> 20) / (t2 - t1);
static void timer_init() {
freq_mhz = estimate_freq();
uptsc = rdtsc();
static void timer_config(AM_TIMER_CONFIG_T *cfg) {
cfg->present = cfg->has_rtc = true;
static void timer_rtc(AM_TIMER_RTC_T *rtc) {
int tmp;
do {
tmp = read_rtc(0);
} while (tmp != rtc->second);
static void timer_uptime(AM_TIMER_UPTIME_T *upt) {
upt->us = (rdtsc() - uptsc) / freq_mhz;
// Input
// ====================================================
static int keylut[128] = {
[0x01] = AM_KEY_ESCAPE, [0x02] = AM_KEY_1, [0x03] = AM_KEY_2,
[0x04] = AM_KEY_3, [0x05] = AM_KEY_4, [0x06] = AM_KEY_5, [0x07] = AM_KEY_6,
[0x08] = AM_KEY_7, [0x09] = AM_KEY_8, [0x0a] = AM_KEY_9, [0x0b] = AM_KEY_0,
[0x0c] = AM_KEY_MINUS, [0x0d] = AM_KEY_EQUALS,
[0x0e] = AM_KEY_BACKSPACE, [0x0f] = AM_KEY_TAB,
[0x10] = AM_KEY_Q, [0x11] = AM_KEY_W, [0x12] = AM_KEY_E, [0x13] = AM_KEY_R,
[0x14] = AM_KEY_T, [0x15] = AM_KEY_Y, [0x16] = AM_KEY_U, [0x17] = AM_KEY_I,
[0x18] = AM_KEY_O, [0x19] = AM_KEY_P, [0x1a] = AM_KEY_LEFTBRACKET,
[0x1d] = AM_KEY_LCTRL, [0x1e] = AM_KEY_A, [0x1f] = AM_KEY_S,
[0x20] = AM_KEY_D, [0x21] = AM_KEY_F, [0x22] = AM_KEY_G, [0x23] = AM_KEY_H,
[0x24] = AM_KEY_J, [0x25] = AM_KEY_K, [0x26] = AM_KEY_L,
[0x29] = AM_KEY_GRAVE, [0x2a] = AM_KEY_LSHIFT,
[0x2b] = AM_KEY_BACKSLASH, [0x2c] = AM_KEY_Z, [0x2d] = AM_KEY_X,
[0x2e] = AM_KEY_C, [0x2f] = AM_KEY_V, [0x30] = AM_KEY_B, [0x31] = AM_KEY_N,
[0x32] = AM_KEY_M, [0x33] = AM_KEY_COMMA, [0x34] = AM_KEY_PERIOD,
[0x35] = AM_KEY_SLASH, [0x36] = AM_KEY_RSHIFT, [0x38] = AM_KEY_LALT,
[0x38] = AM_KEY_RALT, [0x39] = AM_KEY_SPACE, [0x3a] = AM_KEY_CAPSLOCK,
[0x3b] = AM_KEY_F1, [0x3c] = AM_KEY_F2, [0x3d] = AM_KEY_F3,
[0x3e] = AM_KEY_F4, [0x3f] = AM_KEY_F5, [0x40] = AM_KEY_F6,
[0x41] = AM_KEY_F7, [0x42] = AM_KEY_F8, [0x43] = AM_KEY_F9,
[0x44] = AM_KEY_F10, [0x48] = AM_KEY_INSERT,
[0x4b] = AM_KEY_HOME, [0x4d] = AM_KEY_END, [0x50] = AM_KEY_DELETE,
[0x57] = AM_KEY_F11, [0x58] = AM_KEY_F12, [0x5b] = AM_KEY_APPLICATION,
static void input_config(AM_INPUT_CONFIG_T *cfg) {
cfg->present = true;
static void input_keybrd(AM_INPUT_KEYBRD_T *ev) {
if (inb(0x64) & 0x1) {
int code = inb(0x60) & 0xff;
ev->keydown = code < 128;
ev->keycode = keylut[code & 0x7f];
} else {
ev->keydown = false;
ev->keycode = AM_KEY_NONE;
// GPU (Frame Buffer and 2D Accelerated Graphics)
// ====================================================
#define VMEM_SIZE (512 << 10)
struct vbe_info {
uint8_t ignore[18];
uint16_t width;
uint16_t height;
uint8_t ignore1[18];
uint32_t framebuffer;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
static inline uint8_t R(uint32_t p) { return p >> 16; }
static inline uint8_t G(uint32_t p) { return p >> 8; }
static inline uint8_t B(uint32_t p) { return p; }
struct pixel {
uint8_t b, g, r;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
static struct pixel *fb;
static uint8_t vmem[VMEM_SIZE], vbuf[VMEM_SIZE], *vbuf_head;
static struct gpu_canvas display;
static inline void *to_host(gpuptr_t ptr) { return ptr == AM_GPU_NULL ? NULL : vmem + ptr; }
static void gpu_init() {
struct vbe_info *info = (struct vbe_info *)0x00004000;
display.w = info->width;
display.h = info->height;
fb = (void *)((intptr_t)(info->framebuffer));
static void gpu_config(AM_GPU_CONFIG_T *cfg) {
*cfg = (AM_GPU_CONFIG_T) {
.present = true,
.width = display.w, .height = display.h,
.vmemsz = sizeof(vmem),
static void gpu_fbdraw(AM_GPU_FBDRAW_T *draw) {
int x = draw->x, y = draw->y, w = draw->w, h = draw->h;
int W = display.w, H = display.h;
uint32_t *pixels = draw->pixels;
int len = (x + w >= W) ? W - x : w;
for (int j = 0; j < h; j ++, pixels += w) {
if (y + j < H) {
struct pixel *px = &fb[x + (j + y) * W];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i ++, px ++) {
uint32_t p = pixels[i];
*px = (struct pixel) { .r = R(p), .g = G(p), .b = B(p) };
static void gpu_status(AM_GPU_STATUS_T *stat) {
stat->ready = true;
static void gpu_memcpy(AM_GPU_MEMCPY_T *params) {
char *src = params->src, *dst = to_host(params->dest);
for (int i = 0; i < params->size; i++)
dst[i] = src[i];
static void *vbuf_alloc(int size) {
void *ret = vbuf_head;
vbuf_head += size;
panic_on(vbuf_head > vbuf + sizeof(vbuf), "no memory");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
((char *)ret)[i] = 0;
return ret;
static struct pixel *render(struct gpu_canvas *cv, struct gpu_canvas *parent, struct pixel *px) {
struct pixel *px_local;
int W = parent->w, w, h;
switch (cv->type) {
w = cv->texture.w; h = cv->texture.h;
px_local = to_host(cv->texture.pixels);
w = cv->w; h = cv->h;
px_local = vbuf_alloc(w * h * sizeof(struct pixel));
for (struct gpu_canvas *ch = to_host(cv->child); ch; ch = to_host(ch->sibling)) {
render(ch, cv, px_local);
panic("invalid node");
// draw local canvas (w * h) -> px (x1, y1) - (x1 + w1, y1 + h1)
for (int i = 0; i < cv->w1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cv->h1; j++) {
int x = cv->x1 + i, y = cv->y1 + j;
px[W * y + x] = px_local[w * (j * h / cv->h1) + (i * w / cv->w1)];
return 0;
static void gpu_render(AM_GPU_RENDER_T *ren) {
vbuf_head = vbuf;
render(to_host(ren->root), &display, fb);
// Disk (ATA0)
// ====================================================
#define BLKSZ 512
#define DISKSZ (64 << 20)
static void disk_config(AM_DISK_CONFIG_T *cfg) {
cfg->present = true;
cfg->blksz = BLKSZ;
cfg->blkcnt = DISKSZ / BLKSZ;
static void disk_status(AM_DISK_STATUS_T *status) {
status->ready = true;
static inline void wait_disk(void) {
while ((inb(0x1f7) & 0xc0) != 0x40);
static void disk_blkio(AM_DISK_BLKIO_T *bio) {
uint32_t blkno = bio->blkno, remain = bio->blkcnt;
uint32_t *ptr = bio->buf;
for (remain = bio->blkcnt; remain; remain--, blkno++) {
outb(0x1f2, 1);
outb(0x1f3, blkno);
outb(0x1f4, blkno >> 8);
outb(0x1f5, blkno >> 16);
outb(0x1f6, (blkno >> 24) | 0xe0);
outb(0x1f7, bio->write? 0x30 : 0x20);
if (bio->write) {
for (int i = 0; i < BLKSZ / 4; i ++)
outl(0x1f0, *ptr++);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < BLKSZ / 4; i ++)
*ptr++ = inl(0x1f0);
// ====================================================
static void audio_config(AM_AUDIO_CONFIG_T *cfg) { cfg->present = false; }
static void net_config(AM_NET_CONFIG_T *cfg) { cfg->present = false; }
static void fail(void *buf) { panic("access nonexist register"); }
typedef void (*handler_t)(void *buf);
static void *lut[128] = {
[AM_UART_CONFIG ] = uart_config,
[AM_UART_TX ] = uart_tx,
[AM_UART_RX ] = uart_rx,
[AM_TIMER_CONFIG] = timer_config,
[AM_TIMER_RTC ] = timer_rtc,
[AM_TIMER_UPTIME] = timer_uptime,
[AM_INPUT_CONFIG] = input_config,
[AM_INPUT_KEYBRD] = input_keybrd,
[AM_GPU_CONFIG ] = gpu_config,
[AM_GPU_FBDRAW ] = gpu_fbdraw,
[AM_GPU_STATUS ] = gpu_status,
[AM_GPU_MEMCPY ] = gpu_memcpy,
[AM_GPU_RENDER ] = gpu_render,
[AM_AUDIO_CONFIG] = audio_config,
[AM_DISK_CONFIG ] = disk_config,
[AM_DISK_STATUS ] = disk_status,
[AM_DISK_BLKIO ] = disk_blkio,
[AM_NET_CONFIG ] = net_config,
bool ioe_init() {
panic_on(cpu_current() != 0, "init IOE in non-bootstrap CPU");
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH(lut); i++)
if (!lut[i]) lut[i] = fail;
return true;
void ioe_read (int reg, void *buf) { ((handler_t)lut[reg])(buf); }
void ioe_write(int reg, void *buf) { ((handler_t)lut[reg])(buf); }
// LAPIC/IOAPIC (from xv6)
#define ID (0x0020/4) // ID
#define VER (0x0030/4) // Version
#define TPR (0x0080/4) // Task Priority
#define EOI (0x00B0/4) // EOI
#define SVR (0x00F0/4) // Spurious Interrupt Vector
#define ENABLE 0x00000100 // Unit Enable
#define ESR (0x0280/4) // Error Status
#define ICRLO (0x0300/4) // Interrupt Command
#define INIT 0x00000500 // INIT/RESET
#define STARTUP 0x00000600 // Startup IPI
#define DELIVS 0x00001000 // Delivery status
#define ASSERT 0x00004000 // Assert interrupt (vs deassert)
#define DEASSERT 0x00000000
#define LEVEL 0x00008000 // Level triggered
#define BCAST 0x00080000 // Send to all APICs, including self.
#define BUSY 0x00001000
#define FIXED 0x00000000
#define ICRHI (0x0310/4) // Interrupt Command [63:32]
#define TIMER (0x0320/4) // Local Vector Table 0 (TIMER)
#define X1 0x0000000B // divide counts by 1
#define PERIODIC 0x00020000 // Periodic
#define PCINT (0x0340/4) // Performance Counter LVT
#define LINT0 (0x0350/4) // Local Vector Table 1 (LINT0)
#define LINT1 (0x0360/4) // Local Vector Table 2 (LINT1)
#define ERROR (0x0370/4) // Local Vector Table 3 (ERROR)
#define MASKED 0x00010000 // Interrupt masked
#define TICR (0x0380/4) // Timer Initial Count
#define TCCR (0x0390/4) // Timer Current Count
#define TDCR (0x03E0/4) // Timer Divide Configuration
#define IOAPIC_ADDR 0xFEC00000 // Default physical address of IO APIC
#define REG_ID 0x00 // Register index: ID
#define REG_VER 0x01 // Register index: version
#define REG_TABLE 0x10 // Redirection table base
#define INT_DISABLED 0x00010000 // Interrupt disabled
#define INT_LEVEL 0x00008000 // Level-triggered (vs edge-)
#define INT_ACTIVELOW 0x00002000 // Active low (vs high)
#define INT_LOGICAL 0x00000800 // Destination is CPU id (vs APIC ID)
volatile unsigned int *__am_lapic = NULL; // Initialized in mp.c
struct IOAPIC {
uint32_t reg, pad[3], data;
} __attribute__((packed));
typedef struct IOAPIC IOAPIC;
static volatile IOAPIC *ioapic;
static void lapicw(int index, int value) {
__am_lapic[index] = value;
void __am_percpu_initlapic(void) {
lapicw(TDCR, X1);
lapicw(TICR, 10000000);
lapicw(LINT0, MASKED);
lapicw(LINT1, MASKED);
if (((__am_lapic[VER]>>16) & 0xFF) >= 4)
lapicw(PCINT, MASKED);
lapicw(ERROR, T_IRQ0 + IRQ_ERROR);
lapicw(ESR, 0);
lapicw(ESR, 0);
lapicw(EOI, 0);
lapicw(ICRHI, 0);
while(__am_lapic[ICRLO] & DELIVS) ;
lapicw(TPR, 0);
void __am_lapic_eoi(void) {
if (__am_lapic)
lapicw(EOI, 0);
void __am_lapic_bootap(uint32_t apicid, void *addr) {
int i;
uint16_t *wrv;
outb(0x70, 0xF);
outb(0x71, 0x0A);
wrv = (unsigned short*)((0x40<<4 | 0x67));
wrv[0] = 0;
wrv[1] = (uintptr_t)addr >> 4;
lapicw(ICRHI, apicid<<24);
lapicw(ICRLO, INIT | LEVEL);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++){
lapicw(ICRHI, apicid<<24);
lapicw(ICRLO, STARTUP | ((uintptr_t)addr>>12));
static unsigned int ioapicread(int reg) {
ioapic->reg = reg;
return ioapic->data;
static void ioapicwrite(int reg, unsigned int data) {
ioapic->reg = reg;
ioapic->data = data;
void __am_ioapic_init(void) {
int i, maxintr;
ioapic = (volatile IOAPIC*)IOAPIC_ADDR;
maxintr = (ioapicread(REG_VER) >> 16) & 0xFF;
for (i = 0; i <= maxintr; i++){
ioapicwrite(REG_TABLE+2*i, INT_DISABLED | (T_IRQ0 + i));
ioapicwrite(REG_TABLE+2*i+1, 0);
void __am_ioapic_enable(int irq, int cpunum) {
ioapicwrite(REG_TABLE+2*irq, T_IRQ0 + irq);
ioapicwrite(REG_TABLE+2*irq+1, cpunum << 24);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#include "x86-qemu.h"
struct cpu_local __am_cpuinfo[MAX_CPU] = {};
static void (* volatile user_entry)();
static int ap_ready = 0;
static void call_user_entry() {
panic("MPE entry should not return");
bool mpe_init(void (*entry)()) {
user_entry = entry;
boot_record()->jmp_code = 0x000bfde9; // (16-bit) jmp (0x7c00)
for (int cpu = 1; cpu < __am_ncpu; cpu++) {
boot_record()->is_ap = 1;
__am_lapic_bootap(cpu, (void *)boot_record());
while (xchg(&ap_ready, 0) != 1) {
return true;
static void othercpu_entry() {
xchg(&ap_ready, 1);
void __am_othercpu_entry() {
stack_switch_call(stack_top(&CPU->stack), othercpu_entry, 0);
int cpu_count() {
return __am_ncpu;
int cpu_current(void) {
return __am_lapic[8] >> 24;
int atomic_xchg(int *addr, int newval) {
return xchg(addr, newval);
void __am_stop_the_world() {
boot_record()->jmp_code = 0x0000feeb; // (16-bit) jmp .
for (int cpu_ = 0; cpu_ < __am_ncpu; cpu_++) {
if (cpu_ != cpu_current()) {
__am_lapic_bootap(cpu_, (void *)boot_record());

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include "x86-qemu.h"
.globl _start
pushl $0
jmp _start_c

View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#include <x86/x86.h>
#include "x86-qemu.h"
.globl _start
movl $(PDPT_ADDR | PTE_P | PTE_W), %eax
cmpl (PML4_ADDR), %eax
je .long_mode_init
movl $(PDPT_ADDR | PTE_P | PTE_W), %eax
movl %eax, (PML4_ADDR)
movl $0, %ecx
movl $512, %esi // 512 pages
// |
.loop: // x
movl %ecx, %eax // |
shll $30, %eax // |
orl $(PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_PS), %eax // 1 GiB page
movl %eax, PDPT_ADDR(, %ecx, 8)
movl %ecx, %eax
shrl $2, %eax
movl %eax, PDPT_ADDR + 4(, %ecx, 8)
inc %ecx
cmp %esi, %ecx
jne .loop
movl $PML4_ADDR, %eax
movl %eax, %cr3 // %cr3 = PML4 base
movl $CR4_PAE, %eax
movl %eax, %cr4 // %cr4.PAE = 1
movl $0xc0000080, %ecx
orl $0x100, %eax
wrmsr // %EFER.LME = 1
movl %cr0, %eax
orl $CR0_PG, %eax
movl %eax, %cr0 // %cr0.PG = 1
lgdt gdt_ptr // bootstrap GDT
ljmp $8, $_start64 // should not return
movw $0, %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %es
movw %ax, %ss
movw %ax, %fs
movw %ax, %gs
movq $MAINARG_ADDR, %rdi
pushq $0
jmp _start_c
.align 16
.word gdt64_end - gdt64_begin - 1
.quad gdt64_begin
.long 0x00000000 // 0: null desc
.long 0x00000000
.long 0x00000000 // 1: code
.long 0x00209800

View file

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
#include "x86-qemu.h"
.globl __am_kcontext_start
// eax = arg, ebx = entry
pushl %eax
pushl $__am_panic_on_return
jmpl *%ebx
subl $20, %esp
pushl %ebp
pushl %edi
pushl %esi
pushl $0
pushl %edx
pushl %ecx
pushl %ebx
pushl %eax
movw %ds, %ax
pushl %eax
pushl $0
movw $KSEL(SEG_KDATA), %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %es
movw %ax, %ss
pushl %esp
call __am_irq_handle
.globl __am_iret
addl $4, %esp
popl %eax
movl %eax, %esp
addl $4, %esp
popl %eax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %es
cmpw $KSEL(SEG_KCODE), 36(%esp)
je .kernel_iret
popl %eax
popl %ebx
popl %ecx
popl %edx
addl $4, %esp
popl %esi
popl %edi
popl %ebp
popl %eax
popl %ebx
popl %ecx
popl %edx
addl $4, %esp
/* stack frame:
28 ss
24 esp (not popped by iret when returning to ring0)
20 eflags ---> move to new-esp
16 cs
12 eip
8 ebp
4 edi
0 esi <--- %esp
movl %esp, %ebp
movl 24(%ebp), %edi // %edi is new-esp
movl 20(%ebp), %esi; movl %esi, -4(%edi)
movl 16(%ebp), %esi; movl %esi, -8(%edi)
movl 12(%ebp), %esi; movl %esi, -12(%edi)
movl 8(%ebp), %esi; movl %esi, -16(%edi)
movl 4(%ebp), %esi; movl %esi, -20(%edi)
movl 0(%ebp), %esi; movl %esi, -24(%edi)
leal -24(%edi), %esp
popl %esi
popl %edi
popl %ebp
#define NOERR push $0
#define ERR
#define IRQ_DEF(id, dpl, err) \
.globl __am_irq##id; __am_irq##id: cli; err; push $id; jmp trap;
.globl __am_irqall; __am_irqall: cli; push $0; push $-1; jmp trap;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
#include "x86-qemu.h"
.globl __am_kcontext_start
// rdi = arg, rsi = entry
pushq $__am_panic_on_return
jmpq *%rsi
subq $48, %rsp
pushq %r15
pushq %r14
pushq %r13
pushq %r12
pushq %r11
pushq %r10
pushq %r9
pushq %r8
pushq %rdi
pushq %rsi
pushq %rbp
pushq %rdx
pushq %rcx
pushq %rbx
pushq %rax
pushq $0 // cr3, saved in __am_irq_handle
movq %rsp, %rdi
call __am_irq_handle
.globl __am_iret
movq %rdi, %rsp
movq 160(%rsp), %rax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %es
addq $8, %rsp
popq %rax
popq %rbx
popq %rcx
popq %rdx
popq %rbp
popq %rsi
popq %rdi
popq %r8
popq %r9
popq %r10
popq %r11
popq %r12
popq %r13
popq %r14
popq %r15
#define NOERR push $0
#define ERR
#define IRQ_DEF(id, dpl, err) \
.globl __am_irq##id; __am_irq##id: cli; err; push $id; jmp trap;
.globl __am_irqall; __am_irqall: cli; push $0; push $-1; jmp trap;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
#include "x86-qemu.h"
Area heap = {};
int __am_ncpu = 0;
int main(const char *args);
static void call_main(const char *args) {
void _start_c(char *args) {
if (boot_record()->is_ap) {
} else {
stack_switch_call(stack_top(&CPU->stack), call_main, (uintptr_t)args);
void __am_bootcpu_init() {
heap = __am_heap_init();
void __am_percpu_init() {
void putch(char ch) {
#define COM1 0x3f8
outb(COM1, ch);
void halt(int code) {
const char *hex = "0123456789abcdef";
const char *fmt = "CPU #$ Halt (40).\n";
for (const char *p = fmt; *p; p++) {
char ch = *p;
switch (ch) {
case '$':
case '0': case '4':
putch(hex[(code >> (ch - '0')) & 0xf]);
outw(0x604, 0x2000); // offer of qemu :)
while (1) hlt();
Area __am_heap_init() {
extern char end;
outb(0x70, 0x34);
uint32_t lo = inb(0x71);
outb(0x70, 0x35);
uint32_t hi = inb(0x71) + 1;
return RANGE(ROUNDUP(&end, 1 << 20), (uintptr_t)((lo | hi << 8) << 16));
void __am_lapic_init() {
for (char *st = (char *)0xf0000; st != (char *)0xffffff; st ++) {
if (*(volatile uint32_t *)st == 0x5f504d5f) {
uint32_t mpconf_ptr = ((volatile MPDesc *)st)->conf;
MPConf *conf = (void *)((uintptr_t)(mpconf_ptr));
__am_lapic = (void *)((uintptr_t)(conf->lapicaddr));
for (volatile char *ptr = (char *)(conf + 1);
ptr < (char *)conf + conf->length; ptr += 8) {
if (*ptr == '\0') {
ptr += 12;
panic_on(++__am_ncpu > MAX_CPU, "cannot support > MAX_CPU processors");
void __am_percpu_initgdt() {
#if __x86_64__
SegDesc *gdt = CPU->gdt;
TSS64 *tss = &CPU->tss;
gdt[SEG_TSS] = SEG16(STS_T32A, tss, sizeof(*tss)-1, DPL_KERN);
bug_on((uintptr_t)tss >> 32);
set_gdt(gdt, sizeof(gdt[0]) * (NR_SEG + 1));
SegDesc *gdt = CPU->gdt;
TSS32 *tss = &CPU->tss;
gdt[SEG_KCODE] = SEG32(STA_X | STA_R, 0, 0xffffffff, DPL_KERN);
gdt[SEG_KDATA] = SEG32(STA_W, 0, 0xffffffff, DPL_KERN);
gdt[SEG_UCODE] = SEG32(STA_X | STA_R, 0, 0xffffffff, DPL_USER);
gdt[SEG_UDATA] = SEG32(STA_W, 0, 0xffffffff, DPL_USER);
gdt[SEG_TSS] = SEG16(STS_T32A, tss, sizeof(*tss)-1, DPL_KERN);
set_gdt(gdt, sizeof(gdt[0]) * NR_SEG);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
#include "x86-qemu.h"
const struct mmu_config mmu = {
.pgsize = 4096,
#if __x86_64__
.ptlevels = 4,
.pgtables = {
{ "CR3", 0x000000000000, 0, 0 },
{ "PML4", 0xff8000000000, 39, 9 },
{ "PDPT", 0x007fc0000000, 30, 9 },
{ "PD", 0x00003fe00000, 21, 9 },
{ "PT", 0x0000001ff000, 12, 9 },
.ptlevels = 2,
.pgtables = {
{ "CR3", 0x00000000, 0, 0 },
{ "PD", 0xffc00000, 22, 10 },
{ "PT", 0x003ff000, 12, 10 },
static const struct vm_area vm_areas[] = {
#ifdef __x86_64__
{ RANGE(0x100000000000, 0x108000000000), 0 }, // 512 GiB user space
{ RANGE(0x000000000000, 0x008000000000), 1 }, // 512 GiB kernel
{ RANGE( 0x40000000, 0x80000000), 0 }, // 1 GiB user space
{ RANGE( 0x00000000, 0x40000000), 1 }, // 1 GiB kernel
{ RANGE( 0xfd000000, 0x00000000), 1 }, // memory-mapped I/O
#define uvm_area (vm_areas[0].area)
static uintptr_t *kpt;
static void *(*pgalloc)(int size);
static void (*pgfree)(void *);
static void *pgallocz() {
uintptr_t *base = pgalloc(mmu.pgsize);
panic_on(!base, "cannot allocate page");
for (int i = 0; i < mmu.pgsize / sizeof(uintptr_t); i++) {
base[i] = 0;
return base;
static int indexof(uintptr_t addr, const struct ptinfo *info) {
return ((uintptr_t)addr & info->mask) >> info->shift;
static uintptr_t baseof(uintptr_t addr) {
return addr & ~(mmu.pgsize - 1);
static uintptr_t *ptwalk(AddrSpace *as, uintptr_t addr, int flags) {
uintptr_t cur = (uintptr_t)&as->ptr;
for (int i = 0; i <= mmu.ptlevels; i++) {
const struct ptinfo *ptinfo = &mmu.pgtables[i];
uintptr_t *pt = (uintptr_t *)cur, next_page;
int index = indexof(addr, ptinfo);
if (i == mmu.ptlevels) return &pt[index];
if (!(pt[index] & PTE_P)) {
next_page = (uintptr_t)pgallocz();
pt[index] = next_page | PTE_P | flags;
} else {
next_page = baseof(pt[index]);
cur = next_page;
static void teardown(int level, uintptr_t *pt) {
if (level > mmu.ptlevels) return;
for (int index = 0; index < (1 << mmu.pgtables[level].bits); index++) {
if ((pt[index] & PTE_P) && (pt[index] & PTE_U)) {
teardown(level + 1, (void *)baseof(pt[index]));
if (level >= 1) {
bool vme_init(void *(*_pgalloc)(int size), void (*_pgfree)(void *)) {
panic_on(cpu_current() != 0, "init VME in non-bootstrap CPU");
pgalloc = _pgalloc;
pgfree = _pgfree;
#if __x86_64__
kpt = (void *)PML4_ADDR;
AddrSpace as;
as.ptr = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH(vm_areas); i++) {
const struct vm_area *vma = &vm_areas[i];
if (vma->kernel) {
for (uintptr_t cur = (uintptr_t)vma->area.start;
cur != (uintptr_t)vma->area.end;
cur += mmu.pgsize) {
*ptwalk(&as, cur, PTE_W) = cur | PTE_P | PTE_W;
kpt = (void *)baseof((uintptr_t)as.ptr);
set_cr0(get_cr0() | CR0_PG);
return true;
void protect(AddrSpace *as) {
uintptr_t *upt = pgallocz();
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH(vm_areas); i++) {
const struct vm_area *vma = &vm_areas[i];
if (vma->kernel) {
const struct ptinfo *info = &mmu.pgtables[1]; // level-1 page table
for (uintptr_t cur = (uintptr_t)vma->area.start;
cur != (uintptr_t)vma->area.end;
cur += (1L << info->shift)) {
int index = indexof(cur, info);
upt[index] = kpt[index];
as->pgsize = mmu.pgsize;
as->area = uvm_area;
as->ptr = (void *)((uintptr_t)upt | PTE_P | PTE_U);
void unprotect(AddrSpace *as) {
teardown(0, (void *)&as->ptr);
void map(AddrSpace *as, void *va, void *pa, int prot) {
panic_on(!IN_RANGE(va, uvm_area), "mapping an invalid address");
panic_on((uintptr_t)va != ROUNDDOWN(va, mmu.pgsize) ||
(uintptr_t)pa != ROUNDDOWN(pa, mmu.pgsize), "non-page-boundary address");
uintptr_t *ptentry = ptwalk(as, (uintptr_t)va, PTE_W | PTE_U);
if (prot == MMAP_NONE) {
panic_on(!(*ptentry & PTE_P), "unmapping a non-mapped page");
*ptentry = 0;
} else {
panic_on(*ptentry & PTE_P, "remapping a mapped page");
uintptr_t pte = (uintptr_t)pa | PTE_P | PTE_U | ((prot & MMAP_WRITE) ? PTE_W : 0);
*ptentry = pte;
ptwalk(as, (uintptr_t)va, PTE_W | PTE_U);
Context *ucontext(AddrSpace *as, Area kstack, void *entry) {
Context *ctx = kstack.end - sizeof(Context);
*ctx = (Context) { 0 };
#if __x86_64__
ctx->cs = USEL(SEG_UCODE);
ctx->ss = USEL(SEG_UDATA);
ctx->rip = (uintptr_t)entry;
ctx->rflags = FL_IF;
ctx->rsp = (uintptr_t)uvm_area.end;
ctx->rsp0 = (uintptr_t)kstack.end;
ctx->cs = USEL(SEG_UCODE);
ctx->ds = USEL(SEG_UDATA);
ctx->ss3 = USEL(SEG_UDATA);
ctx->eip = (uintptr_t)entry;
ctx->eflags = FL_IF;
ctx->esp = (uintptr_t)uvm_area.end;
ctx->esp0 = (uintptr_t)kstack.end;
ctx->cr3 = as->ptr;
return ctx;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#include <x86/x86.h>
#define PML4_ADDR 0x1000
#define PDPT_ADDR 0x2000
#define NR_SEG 6 // GDT size
#define SEG_KCODE 1 // Kernel code
#define SEG_KDATA 2 // Kernel data/stack
#define SEG_UCODE 3 // User code
#define SEG_UDATA 4 // User data/stack
#define SEG_TSS 5 // Global unique task state segement
#define NR_IRQ 256 // IDT size
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
#include <am.h>
#include <klib-macros.h>
struct kernel_stack {
uint8_t stack[8192];
static inline void *stack_top(struct kernel_stack *stk) {
return stk->stack + sizeof(stk->stack);
struct mmu_config {
int ptlevels, pgsize;
struct ptinfo {
const char *name;
uintptr_t mask;
int shift, bits;
} pgtables[];
struct vm_area {
Area area;
int kernel;
void __am_iret(Context *ctx);
struct cpu_local {
AddrSpace *uvm;
#if __x86_64__
SegDesc gdt[NR_SEG + 1];
TSS64 tss;
SegDesc gdt[NR_SEG];
TSS32 tss;
struct kernel_stack stack;
#if __x86_64__
struct trap_frame {
Context saved_context;
uint64_t irq, errcode;
uint64_t rip, cs, rflags, rsp, ss;
struct trap_frame {
Context saved_context;
uint32_t irq, errcode;
uint32_t eip, cs, eflags, esp, ss;
extern volatile uint32_t *__am_lapic;
extern int __am_ncpu;
extern struct cpu_local __am_cpuinfo[MAX_CPU];
#define CPU (&__am_cpuinfo[cpu_current()])
#define bug_on(cond) \
do { \
if (cond) panic("internal error (likely a bug in AM)"); \
} while (0)
#define bug() bug_on(1)
// apic utils
void __am_lapic_eoi();
void __am_ioapic_init();
void __am_lapic_bootap(uint32_t cpu, void *address);
void __am_ioapic_enable(int irq, int cpu);
// x86-specific operations
void __am_bootcpu_init();
void __am_percpu_init();
Area __am_heap_init();
void __am_lapic_init();
void __am_othercpu_entry();
void __am_percpu_initirq();
void __am_percpu_initgdt();
void __am_percpu_initlapic();
void __am_stop_the_world();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
// CPU rings
#define DPL_KERN 0x0 // Kernel (ring 0)
#define DPL_USER 0x3 // User (ring 3)
// Application Segment type bits
#define STA_X 0x8 // Executable segment
#define STA_W 0x2 // Writeable (non-executable segments)
#define STA_R 0x2 // Readable (executable segments)
// System Segment type bits
#define STS_T32A 0x9 // Available 32-bit TSS
#define STS_IG 0xe // 32/64-bit Interrupt Gate
#define STS_TG 0xf // 32/64-bit Trap Gate
// EFLAGS register
#define FL_IF 0x00000200 // Interrupt Enable
// Control Register flags
#define CR0_PE 0x00000001 // Protection Enable
#define CR0_PG 0x80000000 // Paging
#define CR4_PAE 0x00000020 // Physical Address Extension
// Page table/directory entry flags
#define PTE_P 0x001 // Present
#define PTE_W 0x002 // Writeable
#define PTE_U 0x004 // User
#define PTE_PS 0x080 // Large Page (1 GiB or 2 MiB)
// GDT selectors
#define KSEL(seg) (((seg) << 3) | DPL_KERN)
#define USEL(seg) (((seg) << 3) | DPL_USER)
// Interrupts and exceptions
#define T_IRQ0 32
#define IRQ_TIMER 0
#define IRQ_KBD 1
#define IRQ_COM1 4
#define IRQ_ERROR 19
#define IRQ_SPURIOUS 31
#define EX_DE 0
#define EX_UD 6
#define EX_NM 7
#define EX_DF 8
#define EX_TS 10
#define EX_NP 11
#define EX_SS 12
#define EX_GP 13
#define EX_PF 14
#define EX_MF 15
#define EX_SYSCALL 0x80
#define EX_YIELD 0x81
// List of interrupts and exceptions (#irq, DPL, hardware errorcode)
#define IRQS(_) \
_( 0, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 1, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 2, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 3, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 4, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 5, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 6, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 7, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 8, KERN, ERR) \
_( 9, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 10, KERN, ERR) \
_( 11, KERN, ERR) \
_( 12, KERN, ERR) \
_( 13, KERN, ERR) \
_( 14, KERN, ERR) \
_( 15, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 16, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 19, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 31, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 32, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 33, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 34, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 35, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 36, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 37, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 38, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 39, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 40, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 41, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 42, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 43, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 44, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 45, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 46, KERN, NOERR) \
_( 47, KERN, NOERR) \
_(128, USER, NOERR) \
_(129, USER, NOERR)
// AM-specific configurations
#define MAX_CPU 8
#define BOOTREC_ADDR 0x07000
#define MAINARG_ADDR 0x10000
// Below are only visible to c/c++ files
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
#include <stdint.h>
// Segment Descriptor
typedef struct {
uint32_t lim_15_0 : 16; // Low bits of segment limit
uint32_t base_15_0 : 16; // Low bits of segment base address
uint32_t base_23_16 : 8; // Middle bits of segment base address
uint32_t type : 4; // Segment type (see STS_ constants)
uint32_t s : 1; // 0 = system, 1 = application
uint32_t dpl : 2; // Descriptor Privilege Level
uint32_t p : 1; // Present
uint32_t lim_19_16 : 4; // High bits of segment limit
uint32_t avl : 1; // Unused (available for software use)
uint32_t l : 1; // 64-bit segment
uint32_t db : 1; // 32-bit segment
uint32_t g : 1; // Granularity: limit scaled by 4K when set
uint32_t base_31_24 : 8; // High bits of segment base address
} SegDesc;
// Gate descriptors for interrupts and traps
typedef struct {
uint32_t off_15_0 : 16; // Low 16 bits of offset in segment
uint32_t cs : 16; // Code segment selector
uint32_t args : 5; // # args, 0 for interrupt/trap gates
uint32_t rsv1 : 3; // Reserved(should be zero I guess)
uint32_t type : 4; // Type(STS_{TG,IG32,TG32})
uint32_t s : 1; // Must be 0 (system)
uint32_t dpl : 2; // Descriptor(meaning new) privilege level
uint32_t p : 1; // Present
uint32_t off_31_16 : 16; // High bits of offset in segment
} GateDesc32;
typedef struct {
uint32_t off_15_0 : 16;
uint32_t cs : 16;
uint32_t isv : 3;
uint32_t zero1 : 5;
uint32_t type : 4;
uint32_t zero2 : 1;
uint32_t dpl : 2;
uint32_t p : 1;
uint32_t off_31_16 : 16;
uint32_t off_63_32 : 32;
uint32_t rsv : 32;
} GateDesc64;
// Task State Segment (TSS)
typedef struct {
uint32_t link; // Unused
uint32_t esp0; // Stack pointers and segment selectors
uint32_t ss0; // after an increase in privilege level
uint32_t padding[23];
} __attribute__((packed)) TSS32;
typedef struct {
uint32_t rsv;
uint64_t rsp0, rsp1, rsp2;
uint32_t padding[19];
} __attribute__((packed)) TSS64;
// Multiprocesor configuration
typedef struct { // configuration table header
uint8_t signature[4]; // "PCMP"
uint16_t length; // total table length
uint8_t version; // [14]
uint8_t checksum; // all bytes must add up to 0
uint8_t product[20]; // product id
uint32_t oemtable; // OEM table pointer
uint16_t oemlength; // OEM table length
uint16_t entry; // entry count
uint32_t lapicaddr; // address of local APIC
uint16_t xlength; // extended table length
uint8_t xchecksum; // extended table checksum
uint8_t reserved;
} MPConf;
typedef struct {
int magic;
uint32_t conf; // MP config table addr
uint8_t length; // 1
uint8_t specrev; // [14]
uint8_t checksum; // all bytes add to 0
uint8_t type; // config type
uint8_t imcrp;
uint8_t reserved[3];
} MPDesc;
typedef struct {
uint32_t jmp_code;
int32_t is_ap;
} BootRecord;
#define SEG16(type, base, lim, dpl) (SegDesc) \
{ (lim) & 0xffff, (uintptr_t)(base) & 0xffff, \
((uintptr_t)(base) >> 16) & 0xff, type, 0, dpl, 1, \
(uintptr_t)(lim) >> 16, 0, 0, 1, 0, (uintptr_t)(base) >> 24 }
#define SEG32(type, base, lim, dpl) (SegDesc) \
{ ((lim) >> 12) & 0xffff, (uintptr_t)(base) & 0xffff, \
((uintptr_t)(base) >> 16) & 0xff, type, 1, dpl, 1, \
(uintptr_t)(lim) >> 28, 0, 0, 1, 1, (uintptr_t)(base) >> 24 }
#define SEG64(type, dpl) (SegDesc) \
{ 0, 0, 0, type, 1, dpl, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 }
#define SEGTSS64(type, base, lim, dpl) (SegDesc) \
{ (lim) & 0xffff, (uint32_t)(base) & 0xffff, \
((uint32_t)(base) >> 16) & 0xff, type, 0, dpl, 1, \
(uint32_t)(lim) >> 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, (uint32_t)(base) >> 24 }
#define GATE32(type, cs, entry, dpl) (GateDesc32) \
{ (uint32_t)(entry) & 0xffff, (cs), 0, 0, (type), 0, (dpl), \
1, (uint32_t)(entry) >> 16 }
#define GATE64(type, cs, entry, dpl) (GateDesc64) \
{ (uint64_t)(entry) & 0xffff, (cs), 0, 0, (type), 0, (dpl), \
1, ((uint64_t)(entry) >> 16) & 0xffff, (uint64_t)(entry) >> 32, 0 }
// Instruction wrappers
static inline uint8_t inb(int port) {
uint8_t data;
asm volatile ("inb %1, %0" : "=a"(data) : "d"((uint16_t)port));
return data;
static inline uint16_t inw(int port) {
uint16_t data;
asm volatile ("inw %1, %0" : "=a"(data) : "d"((uint16_t)port));
return data;
static inline uint32_t inl(int port) {
uint32_t data;
asm volatile ("inl %1, %0" : "=a"(data) : "d"((uint16_t)port));
return data;
static inline void outb(int port, uint8_t data) {
asm volatile ("outb %%al, %%dx" : : "a"(data), "d"((uint16_t)port));
static inline void outw(int port, uint16_t data) {
asm volatile ("outw %%ax, %%dx" : : "a"(data), "d"((uint16_t)port));
static inline void outl(int port, uint32_t data) {
asm volatile ("outl %%eax, %%dx" : : "a"(data), "d"((uint16_t)port));
static inline void cli() {
asm volatile ("cli");
static inline void sti() {
asm volatile ("sti");
static inline void hlt() {
asm volatile ("hlt");
static inline void pause() {
asm volatile ("pause");
static inline uint32_t get_efl() {
volatile uintptr_t efl;
asm volatile ("pushf; pop %0": "=r"(efl));
return efl;
static inline uintptr_t get_cr0(void) {
volatile uintptr_t val;
asm volatile ("mov %%cr0, %0" : "=r"(val));
return val;
static inline void set_cr0(uintptr_t cr0) {
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%cr0" : : "r"(cr0));
static inline void set_idt(void *idt, int size) {
static volatile struct {
int16_t size;
void *idt;
} __attribute__((packed)) data;
data.size = size;
data.idt = idt;
asm volatile ("lidt (%0)" : : "r"(&data));
static inline void set_gdt(void *gdt, int size) {
static volatile struct {
int16_t size;
void *gdt;
} __attribute__((packed)) data;
data.size = size;
data.gdt = gdt;
asm volatile ("lgdt (%0)" : : "r"(&data));
static inline void set_tr(int selector) {
asm volatile ("ltr %0" : : "r"((uint16_t)selector));
static inline uintptr_t get_cr2() {
volatile uintptr_t val;
asm volatile ("mov %%cr2, %0" : "=r"(val));
return val;
static inline uintptr_t get_cr3() {
volatile uintptr_t val;
asm volatile ("mov %%cr3, %0" : "=r"(val));
return val;
static inline void set_cr3(void *pdir) {
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%cr3" : : "r"(pdir));
static inline int xchg(int *addr, int newval) {
int result;
asm volatile ("lock xchg %0, %1":
"+m"(*addr), "=a"(result) : "1"(newval) : "cc", "memory");
return result;
static inline uint64_t rdtsc() {
uint32_t lo, hi;
asm volatile ("rdtsc": "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi));
return ((uint64_t)hi << 32) | lo;
#define interrupt(id) \
asm volatile ("int $" #id);
static inline void stack_switch_call(void *sp, void *entry, uintptr_t arg) {
asm volatile (
#if __x86_64__
"movq %0, %%rsp; movq %2, %%rdi; jmp *%1" : : "b"((uintptr_t)sp), "d"(entry), "a"(arg)
"movl %0, %%esp; movl %2, 4(%0); jmp *%1" : : "b"((uintptr_t)sp - 8), "d"(entry), "a"(arg)
static inline volatile BootRecord *boot_record() {
return (BootRecord *)BOOTREC_ADDR;
#endif // __ASSEMBLER__

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