m = Map("mosdns") s = m:section(TypedSection, "mosdns", translate("Update GeoIP & GeoSite dat")) s.addremove = false s.anonymous = true o = s:option(Flag, "geo_auto_update", translate("Enable Auto Database Update")) o.rmempty = false o = s:option(ListValue, "geo_update_week_time", translate("Update Cycle")) o:value("*", translate("Every Day")) o:value("1", translate("Every Monday")) o:value("2", translate("Every Tuesday")) o:value("3", translate("Every Wednesday")) o:value("4", translate("Every Thursday")) o:value("5", translate("Every Friday")) o:value("6", translate("Every Saturday")) o:value("7", translate("Every Sunday")) o.default = "3" o = s:option(ListValue, "geo_update_day_time", translate("Update Time")) for t = 0, 23 do o:value(t, t..":00") end default = 3 o = s:option(Value, "github_proxy", translate("GitHub Proxy"), translate("Update data files with GitHub Proxy, leave blank to disable proxy downloads.")) o:value("https://gh-proxy.com", translate("https://gh-proxy.com")) o:value("https://ghps.cc", translate("https://ghps.cc")) o.rmempty = true o.default = "" o = s:option(Button, "geo_update_database", translate("Database Update")) o.rawhtml = true o.template = "mosdns/mosdns_geo_update" return m