local fs = require "nixio.fs" local sys = require "luci.sys" if fs.access("/usr/bin/mosdns") then mosdns_version = sys.exec("/usr/share/mosdns/mosdns.sh version") else mosdns_version = "Unknown Version" end m = Map("mosdns") m.title = translate("MosDNS") .. " " .. mosdns_version m.description = translate("MosDNS is a plugin-based DNS forwarder/traffic splitter.") m:section(SimpleSection).template = "mosdns/mosdns_status" s = m:section(TypedSection, "mosdns") s.addremove = false s.anonymous = true s:tab("basic", translate("Basic Options")) o = s:taboption("basic", Flag, "enabled", translate("Enabled")) o.rmempty = false o = s:taboption("basic", ListValue, "configfile", translate("Config File")) o:value("/var/etc/mosdns.json", translate("Default Config")) o:value("/etc/mosdns/config_custom.yaml", translate("Custom Config")) o.default = "/var/etc/mosdns.json" o = s:taboption("basic", Value, "listen_port", translate("Listen port")) o.datatype = "and(port,min(1))" o.default = 5335 o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("basic", ListValue, "log_level", translate("Log Level")) o:value("debug", translate("Debug")) o:value("info", translate("Info")) o:value("warn", translate("Warning")) o:value("error", translate("Error")) o.default = "info" o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("basic", Value, "log_file", translate("Log File")) o.placeholder = "/var/log/mosdns.log" o.default = "/var/log/mosdns.log" o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("basic", Flag, "redirect", translate("DNS Forward"), translate("Forward Dnsmasq Domain Name resolution requests to MosDNS")) o.default = true o = s:taboption("basic", Flag, "prefer_ipv4", translate("Remote DNS prefer IPv4"), translate("IPv4 is preferred for remote DNS resolution of dual-stack addresses, and is not affected when the destination is IPv6 only")) o:depends( "configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o.default = true o = s:taboption("basic", Flag, "custom_local_dns", translate("Custom China DNS"), translate("Follow WAN interface DNS if not enabled")) o:depends( "configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o.default = false o = s:taboption("basic", Flag, "apple_optimization", translate("Apple domains optimization"), translate("For Apple domains equipped with Chinese mainland CDN, always responsive to Chinese CDN IP addresses")) o:depends("custom_local_dns", "1") o.default = false o = s:taboption("basic", DynamicList, "local_dns", translate("China DNS server")) o:value("", translate("Tencent Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("Tencent Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("Aliyun Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("Aliyun Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("Xinfeng Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("Xinfeng Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("Baidu Public DNS (")) o:value("https://doh.pub/dns-query", translate("Tencent Public DNS (DNS over HTTPS)")) o:value("quic://dns.alidns.com", translate("Aliyun Public DNS (DNS over QUIC)")) o:value("https://dns.alidns.com/dns-query", translate("Aliyun Public DNS (DNS over HTTPS)")) o:value("h3://dns.alidns.com/dns-query", translate("Aliyun Public DNS (DNS over HTTPS/3)")) o:value("https://doh.360.cn/dns-query", translate("360 Public DNS (DNS over HTTPS)")) o:depends("custom_local_dns", "1") o = s:taboption("basic", DynamicList, "remote_dns", translate("Remote DNS server")) o:value("tls://", translate("CloudFlare Public DNS (")) o:value("tls://", translate("CloudFlare Public DNS (")) o:value("tls://", translate("Google Public DNS (")) o:value("tls://", translate("Google Public DNS (")) o:value("tls://", translate("Quad9 Public DNS (")) o:value("tls://", translate("Quad9 Public DNS (")) o:value("tls://", translate("Cisco Public DNS (")) o:value("tls://", translate("Cisco Public DNS (")) o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("basic", ListValue, "bootstrap_dns", translate("Bootstrap DNS servers"), translate("Bootstrap DNS servers are used to resolve IP addresses of the DoH/DoT resolvers you specify as upstreams")) o:value("", translate("Tencent Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("Tencent Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("Aliyun Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("Aliyun Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("Xinfeng Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("Xinfeng Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("Baidu Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("Google Public DNS (")) o:value("", translate("CloudFlare Public DNS (")) o.default = "" o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") s:tab("advanced", translate("Advanced Options")) o = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "concurrent", translate("Concurrent"), translate("DNS query request concurrency, The number of upstream DNS servers that are allowed to initiate requests at the same time")) o.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(1),max(3))" o.default = "2" o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "idle_timeout", translate("Idle Timeout"), translate("DoH/TCP/DoT Connection Multiplexing idle timeout (default 30 seconds)")) o.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(1))" o.default = "30" o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "enable_pipeline", translate("TCP/DoT Connection Multiplexing"), translate("Enable TCP/DoT RFC 7766 new Query Pipelining connection multiplexing mode")) o.rmempty = false o.default = false o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "insecure_skip_verify", translate("Disable TLS Certificate"), translate("Disable TLS Servers certificate validation, Can be useful if system CA certificate expires or the system time is out of order")) o.rmempty = false o.default = false o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "enable_ecs_remote", translate("Enable EDNS client subnet")) o.rmempty = false o.default = false o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "remote_ecs_ip", translate("IP Address"), translate("Please provide the IP address you use when accessing foreign websites. This IP subnet (0/24) will be used as the ECS address for Remote DNS requests") .. '
' .. translate("This feature is typically used when using a self-built DNS server as an Remote DNS upstream (requires support from the upstream server)")) o.datatype = "ipaddr" o:depends("enable_ecs_remote", "1") o = s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "dns_leak", translate("Prevent DNS Leaks"), translate("Enable this option fallback policy forces forwarding to remote DNS")) o.rmempty = false o.default = false o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "cache_size", translate("DNS Cache Size"), translate("DNS cache size (in piece). To disable caching, please set to 0.")) o.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" o.default = "8000" o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "lazy_cache_ttl", translate("Lazy Cache TTL"), translate("Lazy cache survival time (in second). To disable Lazy Cache, please set to 0.")) o.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" o.default = "86400" o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "dump_file", translate("Cache Dump"), translate("Save the cache locally and reload the cache dump on the next startup")) o.rmempty = false o.default = false o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "dump_interval", translate("Auto Save Cache Interval")) o.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" o.default = "3600" o:depends("dump_file", "1") o = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "minimal_ttl", translate("Minimum TTL"), translate("Modify the Minimum TTL value (seconds) for DNS answer results, 0 indicating no modification")) o.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0),max(604800))" o.default = "0" o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("advanced", Value, "maximum_ttl", translate("Maximum TTL"), translate("Modify the Maximum TTL value (seconds) for DNS answer results, 0 indicating no modification")) o.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0),max(604800))" o.default = "0" o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("advanced", Flag, "adblock", translate("Enable DNS ADblock")) o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o.default = false o = s:taboption("advanced", DynamicList, "ad_source", translate("ADblock Source"), translate("When using custom rule sources, please use rule types supported by MosDNS (domain lists).") .. '
' .. translate("Support for local files, such as: file:///var/mosdns/example.txt")) o:depends("adblock", "1") o.default = "geosite.dat" o:value("geosite.dat", "v2ray-geosite") o:value("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/privacy-protection-tools/anti-AD/master/anti-ad-domains.txt", "anti-AD") o:value("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cats-Team/AdRules/main/mosdns_adrules.txt", "Cats-Team/AdRules") o:value("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/neodevpro/neodevhost/master/domain", "NEO DEV HOST") o = s:taboption("basic", Button, "_reload", translate("Restart-Service"), translate("Restart the MosDNS process to take effect of new configuration")) o.write = function() sys.exec("/etc/init.d/mosdns reload") end o:depends("configfile", "/etc/mosdns/config_custom.yaml") o = s:taboption("basic", TextValue, "config_custom", translate("Configuration Editor")) o.template = "cbi/tvalue" o.rows = 25 o:depends("configfile", "/etc/mosdns/config_custom.yaml") function o.cfgvalue(self, section) return fs.readfile("/etc/mosdns/config_custom.yaml") end function o.write(self, section, value) value = value:gsub("\r\n?", "\n") fs.writefile("/etc/mosdns/config_custom.yaml", value) end -- codemirror o = s:taboption("basic", DummyValue, "") o.template = "mosdns/mosdns_editor" s:tab("cloudflare", translate("Cloudflare Options")) o = s:taboption("cloudflare", Flag, "cloudflare", translate("Enabled"), translate("Match the parsing result with the Cloudflare IP ranges, and when there is a successful match, use the 'Custom IP' as the parsing result (experimental feature)")) o.rmempty = false o.default = false o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("cloudflare", DynamicList, "cloudflare_ip", translate("Custom IP")) o.datatype = "ipaddr" o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("cloudflare", TextValue, "cloudflare_cidr", translate("Cloudflare IP Ranges")) o.description = translate("IPv4 CIDR:") .. [[https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v4]] .. '
' .. translate("IPv6 CIDR:") .. [[https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v6]] o.template = "cbi/tvalue" o.rows = 15 o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") function o.cfgvalue(self, section) return fs.readfile("/etc/mosdns/rule/cloudflare-cidr.txt") end function o.write(self, section, value) value = value:gsub("\r\n?", "\n") fs.writefile("/etc/mosdns/rule/cloudflare-cidr.txt", value) end s:tab("api", translate("API Options")) o = s:taboption("api", Value, "listen_port_api", translate("API Listen port")) o.datatype = "and(port,min(1))" o.default = 9091 o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") o = s:taboption("api", Button, "flush_cache", translate("Flush Cache"), translate("Flushing Cache will clear any IP addresses or DNS records from MosDNS cache")) o.rawhtml = true o.template = "mosdns/mosdns_flush_cache" o:depends("configfile", "/var/etc/mosdns.json") s:tab("geodata", translate("GeoData Export")) o = s:taboption("geodata", DynamicList, "geosite_tags", translate("GeoSite Tags"), translate("Enter the GeoSite.dat category to be exported, Allow add multiple tags") .. '
' .. translate("Export directory: /var/mosdns")) o:depends("configfile", "/etc/mosdns/config_custom.yaml") o = s:taboption("geodata", DynamicList, "geoip_tags", translate("GeoIP Tags"), translate("Enter the GeoIP.dat category to be exported, Allow add multiple tags") .. '
' .. translate("Export directory: /var/mosdns")) o:depends("configfile", "/etc/mosdns/config_custom.yaml") return m